New Super Mario Bros. 2 Release Date, Trailer, DLC Detailed

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.06.2012 13

New Super Mario Bros. 2 Release Date, Trailer, DLC Detailed on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo revealed a new trailer, release date and DLC details for New Super Mario Bros. 2 during the Direct conference earlier today.

The latest side-scrolling platformer starring your favourite Mushroom Kingdom duo is bringing with it a whole new objective: collect as many coins and possible. Nintendo announced plans to exchange your real-life coins for extra content with paid-DLC on the cards, becoming shortly available after release. Satoru Shibata, president of Nintendo Europe, noted that the team will only start working on the DLC after the main game has been finished.

The extra content will be additional levels independent of the main game, added to the Coin Rush feature and based on feedback from players.

New Super Mario Bros. 2 is due out August 17th in Europe, and 19th in North America.

For more details, be sure to read our E3 hands-on preview.

Box art for New Super Mario Bros. 2





2D Platformer



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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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noted that the team will only start working on the DLC after the main game has been finished.

God bless you Nintendo
even if you make a complete cash-in game you still do DLC properly. Smilie

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I can't believe this. Nintendo of all companies...
DLC is DLC no matter how you coat it...I don't know what to say.

Jay (guest) 24.06.2012#3

i really don't understand the people opposed to expansion packs, they're there for people who really enjoyed the game and want more. If you believe the standard game doesn't contain as much content because of DLC, buy the game a few months later. Such a pointless thing to whinge about.

If nintendo announced extra levels for sin and punishment 2 or characters for smash bros brawl, I'd definitely download them

Jay (guest) said:
i really don't understand the people opposed to expansion packs, they're there for people who really enjoyed the game and want more. If you believe the standard game doesn't contain as much content because of DLC, buy the game a few months later. Such a pointless thing to whinge about.

Ok, I have a question for you. Which would you have? Nintendo spending their resources on DLC, or spending those same resources on making NEW games?!

Ok, I have a question for you. Which would you have? Nintendo spending their resources on DLC, or spending those same resources on making NEW games?!

Both. It is not an "either-or" situation.

Adding a few extra levels to a game does not prevent an entire development team from working on a new game.

Like Reggie said, this is still a fully fledged Mario game. If you really like the game and want more, then the DLC levels will be available to you. As long as they stick to a reasonable price point, I'll probably be interested.

Everybody gets angry and upset about little things that aren't important. If you want it, buy the content, if not, don't buy it.

Life can be simpler sometimes, if you make it simple.

If they were making you pay for something that was already on the cartridge, then yeah. I would see what all the fuss is about. Or making you pay for the ability to play as Luigi in single player, something like that.

But, they're not. These will be brand new levels and you have the option whether you want to buy them or just forget about them.

I really hope they do this same kinda thing with Mario Kart U and the Smash Bros. games. It would be awesome if they gave DLC levels/worlds to NSMBU too.

Idk, it's not that I'm really angry (it's people's choice whether or not to buy it, I really don't care either way if someone buys it or not), it's more that I'm really disappointed. I'm really opposed to this business model, and to see Nintendo, a company that historically has been against this, embrace it now, is very upsetting to me.

I don't think it's necessarily right to overlook anything/any person's faults if you love that thing/person. Because if you accept everything that thing does, whether it's good or bad, how can they possibly improve? That's why when I am critical of Nintendo, or anything else for the matter, I'm doing it out of caring for it. If you analyze someone's flaws, then the chances of them learning from their mistakes improves substantially. At the same time, I don't think it's right to blatantly attack something. Like, if I said "NINTENDO'S THE WORST. THEY'RE EVIL. BLAH BLAH BLAH", well no one wins right? Saying this, I could have explained myself better here.

Don't mind the DLC on a game like this. If I like the game enough i'll get it asap just to further the experience.

I'm personally not fond of it either, I've never bought into DLC and don't have any plans too. That said, it's there as an option for those that do, so it's up to them whether they want to spend their money on the content. Smilie

Hope my previous post didn't come across as too enforcing or anything. ^_^'

When DLC is done right, I like it. Capcom DLC.. not so much. I remember my friends raving about Borderlands and how I should get it.. when I first got an Xbox. I'm glad I purchased the GOTY Edition because the game was so great that I just had to play the DLC on top of it.

Hopefully Borderlands 2 will be equally as good, when it releases this September.

Jay (guest) 25.06.2012#13

As long as Nintendo don't go down the Capcom route(On disc DLC, removing modes from a game, charging extortionate prices for costumes, then not including said content in the 'Ultimate Edition'Smilie I'm okay with it. DLC i've really enjoyed this gen Enslaveds pigsy's perfect 10, New Vegas's dead money, MK9's characters and free costumes and Fallout 3's point lookout.

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