New Square-Enix 3DS Demos on e-Shop

By Shane Jury 22.06.2012 16

New Square-Enix 3DS Demos on e-Shop on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

As a finale to the Nintendo Direct Streams, Nintendo have updated the e-Shop with more details and trailers on upcoming games, including two new Demos for Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance, and Theatrhythm Final Fantasy.

Regarding the discounted software, this promotion is to celebrate the 1 year anniversary of the e-Shop launch, and contains the following at new temporary prices until the 28th of June;

Pullblox - £4.30
Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX - £4.30
Super Mario Land - £2.90
Zen Pinball - £3.60
Let's Golf! 3D - £4.30

This Anniversary sale is listed as 'Part 1', so there should undoubtedly be more titles put up for sale after these expire.

​Will you be adding any of these titles or demos to your 3DS repertoire?

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Comments Has the world gone mad. Smilie

Just tried the demos. Square-Enix are geniuses for the parts they selected, for me personally at least. Smilie

There is a lot more to Theatrhythm than I initially believed, and a demo is going to do wonders for it. The visuals are quite decent and �I especially liked the two songs they selected for the trial. Smilie

Dream Drop Distance is equally great, seeing Neku voiced is like gaming Nirvana a,d the new quickmovement�techniques are trippy as heck. Curious to see how it handles with the CPP, as it controls quite okay on its own.

Our member of the week

I want Pullblox but lack of eShop cards on shelves prevents me from getting it *sigh*...

( Edited 22.06.2012 08:19 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Totally going to try out both demos later today. Smilie Hopefully I already know the songs they selected for the Theatrhythm demo.

This Anniversary sale is listed as 'Part 1', so there should undoubtedly be more titles put up for sale after these expire.
There are 5 more games going on sale next week. It was stated in the Nintendo Direct this morning.

These games are:
Dillon's Rolling Western
Freakyforms: Your Creations, Alive!
Fun! Fun! Minigolf TOUCH!
Mighty Switch Force!
Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins

Too bad I have every single one of the games that actually interest me. Though Zen Pinball and Fun! Fun! Minigolf TOUCH! have me slightly interested, I don't think I will purchase either of them.

Nintendo needs sales like this all of the time. Regular sales like this can reap in a lot of money, anyone who has a 360 and XBL knows that there's a different sale each week (Deal of the Week) and even more sales beyond that.

Whilst I'm not quite sure of PSN and sales they have, I'm sure they also have regular sales on that too though.

As with Steam, they have a lot of sales. They even have preorder sales, where if you preorder the game by a certain date you get like 10% off. Whilst 10% off isn't something major... it's still something!

If Nintendo REALLY want to succeed in digital distribution. They need regular sales like these. This is a good start, Nintendo. Now we just need to see some weekly/monthly sales.

I'm going to get Freaky Forms! Smilie

Phoenixus said:
Just tried the demos. Square-Enix are geniuses for the parts they selected, for me personally at least. Smilie

There is a lot more to Theatrhythm than I initially believed, and a demo is going to do wonders for it. The visuals are quite decent and �I especially liked the two songs they selected for the trial. Smilie

Dream Drop Distance is equally great, seeing Neku voiced is like gaming Nirvana a,d the new quickmovement�techniques are trippy as heck. Curious to see how it handles with the CPP, as it controls quite okay on its own.

Same for me here. Two of my favourite songs from FFVIII and FFXIII. Smilie The KH demo was really good too, Neku sounds great and I really like the gameplay. Might consider picking both up now and just avoiding songs from FFX and FFXII until I play them.

Ahh awesome, can't wait to try these.
I still want Cave Story to be released on the eShop though weh Smilie

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I shouldn't complain, but 20% is not overly enticing compared to XBL's 50 %. It's good to see this happen however. Hopefully it won't take another year for the next one. I will likely pick up MSF and possibly Link's awakening.

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Mush123 said:There are 5 more games going on sale next week. It was stated in the Nintendo Direct this morning.

Yeah, saw them, didn't feel it was worth updating the post until we got exact prices for them though. Smilie

Phoenixus said:
Mush123 said:There are 5 more games going on sale next week. It was stated in the Nintendo Direct this morning.

Yeah, saw them, didn't feel it was worth updating the post until we got exact prices for them though. Smilie

I think it's pretty much a given that they will be 20% off their original prices.

Wait I don't see Theatrythm listed in the demos. Is that game dwmo only for European eShoppers?

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Vorash Kadan said:
Wait I don't see Theatrythm listed in the demos. Is that game dwmo only for European eShoppers?

It is at the moment, yes. Just KH3D for NA eShop.

I'll get Freaky Forms and Mighty Switch Force!

Our member of the week

The song they chose in KH to accompany the apparition of Neku is one of my favourite from TWEWY Smilie !

Also, liked that they chose Palom & Porom from FF4 as the music for the tutorial menu Smilie in Theatrhythm.

( Edited 23.06.2012 10:07 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Ok thanks Azu, I guess that makes sense since we're getting Theatrythm & you're getting KH3D sooner.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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