New Nintendo Direct Happening this Friday

By Adam Riley 21.06.2012 7

New Nintendo Direct Happening this Friday on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Looking forward to new info, trailers and other news about the latest games - as well as titles coming up on the horizon - for Nintendo 3DS? Then look no further than the next edition of Nintendo Direct, which will air this Friday, 22nd June at 5am BST / 6am CET.

The next European Nintendo Direct will be hosted by Satoru Shibata, President of Nintendo of Europe, and will feature announcements and content specifically for Europe. You will be able to watch the presentation on the European Nintendo Direct website or on the Ustream page.

What do you expect will be revealed at this special Nintendo Direct?

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What do you expect will be revealed at this special Nintendo Direct?

Nothing interesting. eShop crap maybe(MAYBE) and "news" of games we already know about.

They're gonna finally reveal what colour underwear Iwata wears on a Sunday.

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Shenmue 3.

Am going to watch the Japanese one first here, will be in the C3 chatroom if you guys wanna join me. Smilie

( Edited 22.06.2012 03:20 by Phoenixus )

The announcement of when we'll get the KH3D demo to enjoy...that'd be nice. I would also ask for a demo or Theatrythm but I'll be getting it in less than 2 weeks.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Holy FUCK, 3DS XL! That thing looks incredible!!!

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Jesus Christ at the size of that top screen. A reported 6-10 hour battery life too! Definitely upgrading to one of those blacks. Smilie

Edit: It's out July 28th in the UK, in blue red and silver. Bloody hell that's soon. Smilie

( Edited 22.06.2012 05:07 by Phoenixus )

Phoenixus said:
Holy FUCK, 3DS XL! That thing looks incredible!!!

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Jesus Christ at the size of that top screen. A reported 6-10 hour battery life too! Definitely upgrading to one of those blacks. Smilie

Edit: It's out July 28th in the UK, in blue red and silver. Bloody hell that's soon. Smilie

Does this mean DS games will be scaled down even more?

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