Shinesparkers Release Second Preview for Upcoming Metroid Album

By 16.06.2012 2

Shinesparkers Release Second Preview for Upcoming Metroid Album on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Metroid fan site, Shinesparkers, have released a second preview video to promote their upcoming Metorid remix album, Harmony of a Hunter: 101% Run. The new preview features more new remixes from musical artists such as Martin Leung (The Videogame Pianist), Mazedude and Stephan Wells. The album is set to be released digitally and freely, later this year. You can catch a taste of what to expect below, through the video provided.

Shinesparkers are delighted to be releasing a second preview for our expansion Harmony of a Hunter: 101% Run! Due to the popularity of our original project Harmony of a Hunter, which was created in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Metroid franchise, we decided to create a follow up to feature tracks that didn’t make it the first time around. 101% Run offers talent from the first album combined with some fresh new faces, bringing something new to the overall experience. The album still promises the diverse range of talent and genres you heard on Harmony of a Hunter, and we hope that it will be just as good as the original. Harmony of a Hunter: 101% Run will be a two disc digital release, available free for download later this year, allowing us to express our passion and love for the Metroid series once again.

You can also get more information about the album through the Harmony of a Hunter Facebook page. All the latest updates are posted on there.

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Glad you're keeping us updated on this. I never get tired of hearing Metroid music. That Maridia track at the end was magic. Brings back such great memories. Do make sure to let us know when the soundtrack is out!

Sounding good so far guys, I like how you're showcasing music from Metroid 2 that game doesn't get enough credit. If each song is done by one person on a computer then I've just gotta say gentleman are one man orchestral armies!!

I hope Nintendo approaches you to provide music for some of their games, if not then submit both Harmony of a Hunter works as your resume & see if they'll hire you.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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