Amazon UK Lists Wii U at £199

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.06.2012 9

Amazon UK Lists Wii U at £199 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The UK arm of worldwide retailer Amazon have pitched Nintendo's upcoming console at £199 and are taking pre-orders.

The console recently went live on Amazon's catalogue at an acceptable pricepoint. Whilst more than likely a placeholder with a bizzare July provisionary date, it does pose the question: Could the Wii U retail around the £200 mark ($310)?

With estimated price points overing around the $300 mark, the Wii U price in the UK might just fall around the Amazon figure.

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It's been taken off...

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NNID: Stulaw

dammit. They have a price promise where you dont pay more then what you are quoted

Hah, got in there just in time. Smilie

Haven't had a cancellation email yet so we'll see how this goes. Smilie

Amazon are really annoying when it comes to pricing errors.

I pre-ordered the Metal Gear HD collection at £22.00 only to get an email a week later saying it had been cancelled as it was supposed to be £29.99. and that they don't have to honour errors.

So If they couldn't even let £7 go then I wonder if they'll let this go, depending on the actual WiiU price of course.

If they do alter or cancel it, it probably wpn't happen until Nintendo quote an average (since there won't be a RRP in Europe), so who knows. Amazon have been pretty good for me in general so I'll stay optimistic. Smilie

Decent enough price. Now if only there was a reason to buy at launch...

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Amazon just announced the error and said all pre-orders have been cancelled. Unlucky Phoe

Watch it cost less than that but they make you pay the quoted price Smilie

NNID: crackedthesky
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Mari0 said:
Amazon just announced the error and said all pre-orders have been cancelled. Unlucky Phoe

Yeah, just got the email. Balls. Smilie

Hopefully it'll go for around that price though, it's a fair amount. And in Black too. Smilie

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