Miyamoto Wants to Make a First Person Shooter

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.06.2012 9

Miyamoto Wants to Make a First Person Shooter on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Mario creator Shigeru Miyamoto recently expressed a despite to one day design a game akin to first person shooters.

The man behind the likes of Super Mario Bros and The Legend of Zelda is always exploring concepts beyond the platformer or traditional adventure game, even thinking about how concepts in first person shooters could translate to one of his projects in the future - possibly even involving two GamePads.

Speaking to Kotaku, Miyamoto was asked about why Nintendo announced the ability to support multiple pads, which lead to the designer noting how the screen on the GamePad could become your "eyes" to the world - much like the Wii U panorama demo.

Rather than necessarily the question of 'What kind of weapon do I have?' in a first person shooter or 'What kind of effect does that have on an enemy?', I think that the structure of a first-person shooter is something that's very interesting.

Having that 3D space that in theory you are in and being able to look around and explore that - particularly being able to do that in conjunction with another person - is very interesting.

Will we be seeing a first person project from the man himself? Maybe one day in the future, but for now "I don't have time", he said.

Miyamoto has dabbled in first person before, weaving his magic with Retro Studios in the first Metroid Prime game, which is generally described more as a "first person adventure" than shooter.

Would you like to see a Nintendo-developed first person shooter? What franchises could switch into this perspective?

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Yoshi's Safari.

Lol @ ^!! I'd like to see something more serious from him. It doesn't have to look realistic, but maybe something that has a really STRONG message that causes players to stop & think at several points in the game.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

I think if we saw a "FPS" from Miyamoto it would be more along the lines of a puzzler like Portal or first-person-adventure of Metroid Prime as opposed to an FPS like Call of Duty.

Darklink (guest) 14.06.2012#4

Tha game tha is MADE for Wii U is Pokemon Snap. You are stuck in the trolley and you move the gamepad to see the world and take pictures. Day 1 download for me. Smilie

Darklink (guest) said:
Tha game tha is MADE for Wii U is Pokemon Snap. You are stuck in the trolley and you move the gamepad to see the world and take pictures. Day 1 download for me. Smilie

I didn't think of that game, but that seems to be exactly the idea he's getting at. Pokemon Snap would be perfect.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18



Mario Paintball. Boggles the mind as to why it hasn't happened yet.

( Edited 14.06.2012 18:44 by Phoenixus )

Monkey D Super (guest) 14.06.2012#8

Its not surprising, Ocarina of Time was close to becoming a FPS game at one point.

Phoenixus said:
Mario Paintball. Boggles the mind as to why it hasn't happened yet.

Violently intent and exclusionary.

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