No Online Multiplayer in Pikmin 3, Local Confirmed

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.06.2012 15

No Online Multiplayer in Pikmin 3, Local Confirmed on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Pikmin 3 promises a rich experience for the solo adventurer, but what about those anticipated multiplayer sessions?

One of the key aspects of the previous game, Pikmin 2, that was highly praised by fans - including our own Adam Riley, was the multiplayer co-operative feature. In an interview with creator Shigeru Miyamoto today, he confirmed that the forthcoming Wii U edtion will boast a local multiplayer feature, but will skip out on online due to some of the technologies involved in syncing those adorable critters.

In the situation of Pikmin, for example, since you would have lots of individual, small creatures, the Pikmin, whose every movement and location is going to be really important in the game, it would be very difficult to sync up over an internet connection.

So in order to prevent potential lag, Nintendo have decided to keep it local and focus primarily on the solo player adventure with a dollop of co-op with fellow living-room buddies.

Would you have preferred online play in the upcoming Pikmin 3?� Would it be feasible?

Box art for Pikmin 3








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whose every movement and location is going to be really important in the game, it would be very difficult to sync up over an internet connection.

- Diablo 3

Except you only control ONE character in D3, even with Necromancers it's an OPTIONAL class & Necro's can still hold their own well enough in battle...Olimar on the other hand is useless without his Pikmin.

This saddens me greatly & will be a smudge for what people think of Nintendo trying to accept online more...still with 2 gamepads you can easily have a competitive 3 player game with no screen peeking or'll have to do I guess.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

In the situation of Pikmin, for example, since you would have lots of individual, small creatures, the Pikmin, whose every movement and location is going to be really important in the game, it would be very difficult to sync up over an internet connection.
Starcraft 2 or any other RTS. SC2 is a game about 1/10 seconds... don't pretend Pikmin needs even higher accuracy than that.

Why do I get the feeling NSMBU also won't have online >.>

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

Why do I get the feeling "gamers" want online in every game ever made now.

To be fair these NSMB games would be quite good with online since the recent NSMB games have co op. I'm not saying it's needed but it'd be pretty good just to pop online with some randoms or friends to do a couple of levels.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

Definitely not all Nintendo games need online - the likes of Zelda and Mario with their own solid single player campaigns can go without, obviously.

That said, they could perhaps have included leader-boards - some sort of speed-run rankings, especially for Mario - level records would be awesome.

Now for games where multiplayer is a strong component - like Mario Kart, it is, imo essential. Mario Kart Wii would be on the shelf if it wasn't for online. Pikmin 3 I can understand it being offline given it's got a strong enough solo campaign, but I do feel it would be a great way of showing the gaming community that Nintendo mean business - right from day 1 - when it comes to online play.

I love online - I would hate to do bots all day, so boring. Even MK Wii with it's limited communication system still feels more human, and I love it. All Nintendo multiplayer games should go online imo - Mario Kart works great, others can surely follow without much hassle.

( Edited 12.06.2012 01:04 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

LKR000 said:
To be fair these NSMB games would be quite good with online since the recent NSMB games have co op. I'm not saying it's needed but it'd be pretty good just to pop online with some randoms or friends to do a couple of levels.

I agree. Smilie

I was directing it at Pikmin 3. I personally think it's not the sort of game that particularly needs online multiplayer. I'd rather them focus on the single player experience, though that said, I wouldn't have minded if they put it in either. Either way, I'll definitely be getting no matter what. Smilie

I hope they have the option of 4 player co-op/battles, 2 player just isn't enough sometimes.

Online would be nice, but it's probably not essential (I'm not a huge fan of online gaming in general though, with a few exceptions). It would be interesting to hear a bit more about the reasons, because, as others have said, every PC RTS game since the mid-90s has had some type of online multiplayer.

I'm also not sure Pikmin 3 would work online, but it is worrying that the WiiU is only just beginning and we already have Miyamoto saying "no online multiplayer" for a big game.

As long as it doesn't become a habit like it was this gen, I'm not complaining. If Mario Bros and other big Nintendo games get some good online modes and integration I'll be happy- Pikmin isn't something I've ever craved online for.

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3 games in and no effort to even try to put online in, Nintendo really are falling in the pits.

Austin (guest) 12.06.2012#12

A game does not need online to be good. Why dont people ever realize this. Putting online into Pikmin 3 would ruin it.

FenixAzul (guest) 12.06.2012#13

Starcraft and any RTS game on PC from the late 90s?

On a random technical note, if Googles (now Apaches) Wave protocol caught on, it would make online multiplayer for this stuff a lot easier to make.
(it essentialy allows the realtime sycning of XML data between dozens of users. If that XML data contained co-ordinates and status of Pikmin, you have your multiplayer half done) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Mari0 said:
3 games in and no effort to even try to put online in, Nintendo really are falling in the pits.

Besides actually being factually wrong, we don't know the complete details of these games anyway.

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