E3 2012 Media | Nintendo Set to Revolutionise Singing on Wii U?

By Adam Riley 07.06.2012 1

E3 2012 Media | Nintendo Set to Revolutionise Singing on Wii U? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Get the party started with SiNG (working title), a new, interactive musical performance game that will get you and your guests singing and dancing well into the night. With dozens of popular songs to choose from, everyone from novice singers to experienced entertainers will be able to join in the fun. While one person steps up as the main performer, others can dance, sing and clap along with the prompts on the TV screen, making sure everyone at the party is rocking out together.

  • In "Party" mode, the lead singer uses the Wii U GamePad controller to view lyrics and receive cues, freeing them from the TV and allowing them to interact with the audience, making each performance more engaging and enjoyable.
  • There’s no limit to the number of people who can join in at one time. Audience participation, such as singing, dancing, interacting with the lead singer and playing instrumental sounds with the Wii Remote controllers, is the key to a great performance.
  • In "Sing" mode, up to two singers’ vocal and overall performance quality are evaluated on the TV in real time.
  • The GamePad can be used as an audio mixer and to create a playlist.
  • A variety of song selections, from the 1960s to current pop hits, makes it easy for players from any generation to put on a show.

Box art for SiNG Party








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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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Does it come with a mic, or can you use the one in the Pad?

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