E3 2012 | Valiant Saga: Final Fantasy Comes to US on Nintendo 3DS

By Adam Riley 07.06.2012 7

E3 2012 | Valiant Saga: Final Fantasy Comes to US on Nintendo 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Update: Sadly, this can now be confirmed as fake. The Twitter account was not an official Square Enix account.

Original story: Bravely Default: Flying Fairy is heading to the US on Nintendo 3DS under a different name. Those worrying that poor sales of Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light on Nintendo DS would mean that its spiritual successor, that is due to arrive on the Nintendo 3DS in Japan in the near future, might never reach Western shores can rest easy.

A Square Enix Twitter account has reared its head, pointing to a new name for the game developed by 3D Dot Game Heroes team Silicon Studio, rather than Matrix Software as many had presumed. The new name? Valiant Saga: Final Fantasy.


More details are set to pour forth at 17:00 PST or 01:00 in the UK.

Box art for Bravely Default
Also known as

Bravely Default: For the Sequel






Turn Based RPG



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Guest commentator (guest) 07.06.2012#1

This is a troll, look at the last image posted to the twitter account.

Unfortunately, this is indeed fake.

What a crying shame - and clearly I didn't look into this well enough. Shows how enthusiastic I was that it was indeed real.

Sorry folks! Smilie I'm sure Square Enix will announce it anyway...it's just a matter of when.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I had a feeling that this was too good to be real. The way it was supposed to be announced seemed very untypical too. The troll basically made it completely obvious to get the hopes of readers as high as possible.

We need this game, but we also need the original name! Smilie

Recently the name of Final Fantasy isn't that good any way.

Canyarion said:
We need this game, but we also need the original name! Smilie

Recently the name of Final Fantasy isn't that good any way.

True, but it would be good brand awareness at least. Bravely Default may be a bit too off as far as names go (and it would be nice to have a Square-Enix game without a daft name once in a while Smilie)

They should rename it "Bureiburii Deforuto: Furaingu Fearii ~uguu~".

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