E3 2012 Media | Video Reveals Zelda, F-Zero on Wii U Nintendo Land

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.06.2012

E3 2012 Media | Video Reveals Zelda, F-Zero on Wii U Nintendo Land on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo held a Wii U Developer discussion last night, revealing the first footage of the F-Zero and Zelda attractions players can visit when playing through Nintendo Land.

Within the Zelda levels, single players use the Wii U GamePad to pelt arrows at familiar foes, whilst others use Wii Remote swords/shields. Whilst in F-Zero you'll be zipping around in what appears to be some form of clock-work space racer inspired by Nintendo's iconic futuristic game.

The audience was also treated to the first glimpse of an open world to explore in the centralised Nintendo Land hub - meeting fellow Miis and wandering into attractions.

Also on show during the conference was a quick glimpse of New Super Mario Bros U in action - using the GamePad to spawn helpful, or painful blocks around these new levels. More details on the new Mario game in the Iwata Asks session with producer Takashi Tezuka.

Box art for Nintendo Land








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