E3 2012 | Transfer Wii Save Data, Virtual Console to Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.06.2012 12

E3 2012 | Transfer Wii Save Data, Virtual Console to Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Do you have a pimped out Wii full of downloads and save files? Nintendo is working on a transfer function to Wii U.

With the Wii on the market for over five years and Nintendo hosting a whole wealth of downloadable content for the system, it's likely that existing players would want to pop all their content to run on Wii U - saving the hassle of switching between consoles.

Fortunately, back compatibility isn't an issue as Nintendo are "readying the system to be able to transfer saves and everything you've bought", the company said during a Q&A session last night.

Nintendo are working on the logistics of such a transfer - how would it work with user accounts on the system, for example.

What's more interesting is how Nintendo will deal with the Virtual Console and WiiWare titles themselves - will these be playable on the small screen? Will there be integration with the MiiVerse service for sharing tidbits about these classic and unique Wii games?

Do you have a large Wii virtual collection that you'll be wanting to port to Wii U?

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You will be able to transfer your Wii saves to the Wii U? Smilie Awesome news!! My Wii will only be used as a Gamecube then for sessions of Soul Calibur II among others, after all my saves are on my Wii U.

I'm very happy about this.

Yeh, this is great news, assuming Nintendo aren't going to charge people an arm 'n' a leg to transfer stuff.

More fantastic news from Nintendo.

To be honest this is good news but if it wasn't the case I'd definitely be really angry-

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My biggest worry would be the loss of Monster Hunter Tri data, since it is connected directly to the Wii console unlike most save data.

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ebgeer said:
My biggest worry would be the loss of Monster Hunter Tri data, since it is connected directly to the Wii console unlike most save data.

That's a good point.

Cheesing it up said:
Yeh, this is great news, assuming Nintendo aren't going to charge people an arm 'n' a leg to transfer stuff.

I don't see why they would do it for the WiiU when they didn't do it for the 3DS...

( Edited 06.06.2012 14:58 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Well this makes me happy, atleast Nintendo won't be ripping us of like SOny has done with the Vita & ps3 (not transferring saves & making us pay TWICE for games I already own...bastards!!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

An account system is very much needed for the systems, how it works right now is a title is set per console, and transferring just rewrites which console its owned by, this is the case with the DS-3DS anyway, leaving no way to get it back on the DS, however there are virtual console games on both Wii(U) and 3DS, there should be a way to play a title you already bought for one on both, how many times do we have to pay for Mario NES anyway.

I would expect this, like Superlink said i would angry if they had not.

Good news, hopefully save data will be transferred as well!

Good stuff, have a fair few games I'd like to play on that GamePad screen. ^^

I would love to be able to play Virtual Console and WiiWare games directly on the Game Pad screen!

*cough* Dr. Mario Online Rx *cough*

( Edited 07.06.2012 01:12 by Sonic_13 )

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