E3 2012 | F-Zero is Wii U Bound In A Different Form

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.06.2012 9

E3 2012 | F-Zero is Wii U Bound In A Different Form on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Have dreams of a blisteringly fast, high-definition full on F-Zero experience? You may need to wait a little longer.

Nintendo Land ​was revealed yesterday as a compilation of most things great about the House of Mario - those franchises that we all fell in love with many moons ago that only Nintendo could produce - the likes of ​The Legend of Zelda, Donkey Kong and ​Luigi's Mansion.

It's a package of competitive single and multiplayer games revolving around your Mii playing through classic concepts within attractions inspired by these franchises. Some of the later ones were kept a mystery - until last night, where Nintendo confirmed an appearance for F-Zero as one of the mini-games players will be able to enjoy.

Image for E3 2012 | F-Zero is Wii U Bound In A Different Form

Within F-Zero ​you'll be able to conquer various futuristic tracks in a bright and bold HD style that Nintendo Land is now known for.

​What do you think of the inclusion of F-Zero in Nintendo Land? Do you crave a complete, standalone version of the popular racer?

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hopefully a full f zero game will boast much more detailed science fiction backgrounds and not this blocky environment in the photo.

It's a good inclusion, having a racing mini-game in there might make the whole of Nintendo Land a lot more substantial.
They should have mentioned it at the conference Smilie

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I maybe wearing some funny coloured spectacles, but I believe the inclusion of an F-Zero mini-game is purely a "whet the appetite". I cannot see why they would bother including it unless somewhere in the works is a full-blown, HD screamer of an F-Zero game .......

The book is open for bets ...... Now! Smilie


There are 10 types of people in the world: Those that understand binary and those that don't ..

Gaaaaay!!! More friggin minigames....damn it Nintendo I'm losing patience with you!!!!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Nintendo Land looks pretty interesting. Still hoping that it comes free with the Wii U console. I would imagine so, since Reggie said it was the Wii Sports for Wii U. Still not quite sure what was meant by that, but yeah.

To look at it more positively - sure, it's a minigame collection, but it's had far more effort put into it than something like Wii Play, which even Nintendo themselves called "lacklustre" when comparing it with Nintendo Land. Plus it has some classic Nintendo franchises making an appearance which resonate with oldschool Nintendo fans and such, where as minigame collections on Wii focused more on Mii's.

It think it at least looks interesting, personally, and if it comes packed in free with the Wii, then that'd be great. They've certainly put some effort into the visuals too, it reminds me a bit of Viva Piñata.

It's certainly not my most wanted game or anything, but it interests me more than Wii Play and other minigame collections that are out there.

( Edited 06.06.2012 19:13 by Marzy )

DazJ said:
I maybe wearing some funny coloured spectacles, but I believe the inclusion of an F-Zero mini-game is purely a "whet the appetite". I cannot see why they would bother including it unless somewhere in the works is a full-blown, HD screamer of an F-Zero game .......

The book is open for bets ...... Now! Smilie


Pretty much agreed. the whole reason NintendoLand is using their IPs instead of generic Mii Minigames like Play and Party is to introduce new games players to Nintendo Franchises due out on the machine later.

So a new F-Zero is inevitable. Smilie

Phoenixus said:

Pretty much agreed. the whole reason NintendoLand is using their IPs instead of generic Mii Minigames like Play and Party is to introduce new games players to Nintendo Franchises due out on the machine later.

So a new F-Zero is inevitable. Smilie

That's how I'm seeing it too, kinda like a gateway drug. Perhaps this might explain why Pokémon, despite being extremely popular, isn't included because its home are handhelds?

Vorash Kadan said:
Gaaaaay!!! More friggin minigames....damn it Nintendo I'm losing patience with you!!!!

NintendoLand and...?

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