E3 2012 Media | Nintendo Goes Sticker Crazy with Paper Mario 3DS

By Adam Riley 06.06.2012 8

E3 2012 Media | Nintendo Goes Sticker Crazy with Paper Mario 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo goes sticker crazy with Paper Mario: Sticker Star on 3DS. On the day of the annual Sticker Fest, Bowser decides to pull a prank and scatters six Royal Stickers across the land. To retrieve these mysterious, magical stickers, which are now stuck onto Bowser and his underlings, Mario sets off on an adventure with Kersti, a sticker fairy, visiting prairies, deserts, forests, snowy mountains and volcanoes around the world.

Stickers are blended into every aspect of game play. They become your arsenal of items and attacks in traditional Paper Mario action-battles and can even unfold the environment to reveal new areas and ways to progress through the game. Collect stickers by peeling them off their environment, buying them in shops, or even making your own, and store them in your notebook for later use.

"Paper"-ize the world by flattening it out and then use your stickers to find secret areas and hidden items just about anywhere in the game. The papercraft setting of the game is really emphasized in 3D, giving you the feeling of peering into and exploring a world comprised of shoebox dioramas. A cast of colorful characters will keep players laughing at every turn.

The action adventure Paper Mario: Sticker Star, developed by Nintendo and Intelligent Systems, will launch during the holiday period in the US for $39.99.

Box art for Paper Mario: Sticker Star

Intelligent Systems




Turn Based RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  6/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (6 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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Monkey D Super (guest) 06.06.2012#1

One of my wanted 3DS games, however I was hoping to see some new partners...

Looking forward to this! Peeling off the stickers as a way to create your attacking and defence options is interesting! I will get this no matter what!Smilie

When in doubt....Whip it out!

It's great that they have returned to the original turn-based formula of the Paper Mario series. Can't wait for this, it looks amazing. Smilie

The first two installments are absolutely CHERISHED by Paper Mario fans. The third was mainly criticized by mixing it up. Why fix something when it's not broken?!

Paper Mario 1 and 2 are so critically-acclaimed. So why would they try to "mix it up" again? Where's the partners? The badges? I don't want to have to "collect" my attacks just so I can get through the damn game. Not cool.

I'll likely rent and read the review to weigh in whether or not I purchase this. I'm just so disappointed. The original Paper Mario is my favorite game of all time. And Paper Mario: TTYD is in my top 5. Why are they doing this to me...again? Smilie

"Do a Barrel Roll!"

GreythaGreat said:
The first two installments are absolutely CHERISHED by Paper Mario fans. The third was mainly criticized by mixing it up. Why fix something when it's not broken?!

Paper Mario 1 and 2 are so critically-acclaimed. So why would they try to "mix it up" again? Where's the partners? The badges? I don't want to have to "collect" my attacks just so I can get through the damn game. Not cool.

I'll likely rent and read the review to weigh in whether or not I purchase this. I'm just so disappointed. The original Paper Mario is my favorite game of all time. And Paper Mario: TTYD is in my top 5. Why are they doing this to me...again? Smilie

They are going back to what made the Paper Mario games so good but at the same time they are adding new gameplay elements, just to spice up the game and not make it feel exactly like the first two games. I myself have no problem with this, but of course, as it always stands with Nintendo..

If they change something, they always get bashed for it. Can they ever make people happy?

Mush123 said:
GreythaGreat said:
The first two installments are absolutely CHERISHED by Paper Mario fans. The third was mainly criticized by mixing it up. Why fix something when it's not broken?!

Paper Mario 1 and 2 are so critically-acclaimed. So why would they try to "mix it up" again? Where's the partners? The badges? I don't want to have to "collect" my attacks just so I can get through the damn game. Not cool.

I'll likely rent and read the review to weigh in whether or not I purchase this. I'm just so disappointed. The original Paper Mario is my favorite game of all time. And Paper Mario: TTYD is in my top 5. Why are they doing this to me...again? Smilie

They are going back to what made the Paper Mario games so good but at the same time they are adding new gameplay elements, just to spice up the game and not make it feel exactly like the first two games. I myself have no problem with this, but of course, as it always stands with Nintendo..

If they change something, they always get bashed for it. Can they ever make people happy?

That's the thing. They aren't changing something. They're changing nearly everything. They were criticized for the third game because it was way different. Why not give us something we know we love?

There's no exp points any more. Only stickers. No jumping/hammering... unless its a sticker. No action commands, unless it's a sticker. No partners.

I have a right to express my opinion to a game series that's been my favorite since I was 8. But thanks for attacking me about it.

"Do a Barrel Roll!"

Not everyone hated the third game, I absolutely loved it, personally.

I guess I'm the only one who preferred the lack of turn-based battles? I loved that you could travel to places at a reasonable pace and that you still needed to use tactics to defeat a lot of enemies/bosses.

( Edited 08.06.2012 18:01 by Marzy )

person (guest) 12.06.2012#8

im so excited for this ive been waiting since the one for wii

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