E3 2012 Media | Heroes of Ruin 3DS Screens & Info

By Adam Riley 05.06.2012

E3 2012 Media | Heroes of Ruin 3DS Screens & Info on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Square Enix has confirmed details of its n-Space developed Action RPG, Heroes of Ruin for Nintendo 3DS, which is due out in the US on 17th July, 2012.

War raged for over a hundred years until strong, powerful Lords emerged from the fighting to bring a fragile peace to the land. This peace is threatened when one of the Lords, Ataraxis, ruler of the city of Nexus, is taken ill by a deadly curse. A call is sent out, promising rewards beyond measure for anyone who finds a cure.

Four mercenaries, each with their own strengths, weaknesses and motivations answer the call. One uses forbidden spells to rain death on her foes, one has guns and bombs to blast his way through, another has a mighty sword capable of slicing through entire packs of enemies, and one other gains strength from savagely tearing through anything that stands in his way with brutal, bladed fists.

  • Create a Fearsome Alliance: Battle forth on your own in single player or join forces with other heroes online in 4-player drop in / drop out co-operative multiplayer. Chat with your team in real-time using the Nintendo 3DS microphone, trade items with them, forge new alliances and engage in tactical team play to overcome enemies.
  • Develop your own Mercenary: Choose from four diverse and powerful classes, then customize your appearance from the outset. As your character evolves, your fighting style, armor set, weapon and class abilities can also be customised. With almost unlimited combinations your hero will be truly unique and yours.
  • Embark on a Personal Adventure: Explore and fight through wild, varied and dynamic environments. Battle against a wide variety of deadly creatures, who will stretch your combat and tactical skills, collecting loot, weapons, armor and other gear which will empower and enrich you on your quest. Discover new layouts, routes, items and enemy encounters each time you play.
  • Keep the Action Going: Test your combat skills and earn rewards by taking on new challenges downloaded daily to your Nintendo 3DS. Trade items via StreetPass to unlock rare weapons, armor, and items to aid your quest. View and track your game progress online on the game’s official website at http://www.HeroesOfRuin.com.

Box art for Heroes of Ruin



Square Enix


Real Time RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  6/10

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Rated $score out of 10  5/10 (3 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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