E3 2012 Media | PES 2013 Nintendo 3DS and Wii Details

By Adam Riley 05.06.2012 4

E3 2012 Media | PES 2013 Nintendo 3DS and Wii Details on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. has used this year's E3 event in Los Angeles to release further details on PES 2013, fleshing out key modes within the game and additional details on the total control the new game offers.

By working directly with fans of the franchise, PES 2013 delivers the total freedom to play any style of ball, and gives full control over the placement and style of shots. The new game features stunning recreations of the biggest names in soccer, perfectly mimicking the way they run, move both on and off the ball, and display their skills. Fifty of the world's greatest players have been studied and brought to vivid life in PES 2013, and are instantly noticeable in the way they play on screen.

PES 2013 is built around three core elements: PES FC (FullControl), Player ID, and ProActive AI. PES FC provides the total freedom of movement, and incorporates all new dynamic first touch where players can choose how to receive or move on the ball and fully manual passing and shooting. Close control and dribbling is also enhanced with the game's pace to mirror a real soccer match. Using the R2/RT button gives the player access to a number of control styles. Balls can be cushioned, pushed forward or shielded as the players around you make intelligent runs into space.


This level of control extends to fully manual one-twos, a beautifully-balanced defensive system wherein R2/RT and the tackle button are used to close and challenge an attacker. PES 2013's goalkeepers represent a massive advance, with all new animations and AI that helps them anticipate dangers and act accordingly. The new intelligence and AI falls under the Player ID banner, which ensures the world's greatest players behave like their real-world counterparts. The best players from around the globe, including cover star Cristiano Ronaldo, Brazilian sensation Neymar and the legendary Kaka have been copied down to the slightest level - including their most famous celebrations.

With players behaving individually, ProActive AI ensures the whole game ebbs and flows like a real match. The new AI routines ensure a more balanced match, with illogicalities of previous PES titles eradicated, and with better organization of the teams who backtrack and break, while maintaining a strong defensive line. Teams also react quicker to a lost possession, tying into the aforementioned defensive improvements and tackling system.

Soccer is all about how the player interacts with the ball, from the first touch, to dribbling, passing and all of the moves associated with playing. What PES 2013 is giving players is complete control to impact their game how they'd like, including all of those key elements I just referred to. Recreating that experience of an authentic soccer game and giving that freedom back to the players is paramount in the development of PES 2013.
- Tomoyuki Tsuboi, President of Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc.

PES 2013 is also an incredibly deep game, and many of its options have been enhanced to exploit these key additions to the gameplay.
  • Performance Training: The training sessions are a popular part of the PES series, and are vital to mastering the new level of total control. A series of walk-thru guides will ease the player into the intricacies of quick passes and manual shooting. Training sessions also allow the player to refine the control over secondary players via the improved off-the-ball control, and the deft footwork of lobbing a goalkeeper.
  • Football Life: Introduced in PES 2012, Football Life is an umbrella term for the series' popular Master League and Become a Legend Mode and features a variety of changes and additions in PES 2013. In the new game players will find new ways to bolster team performance by earning money to add special coaches to work on the team's weaknesses, while transfers are more open with clearer reasons as to why negotiations are stalling. In the Become a Legend mode players are given feedback on how they need to improve to break into the squad.
  • Online: Master League Online will introduce a new ranking system called Rival Ranking which sources players at a similar level. The community side of the game will be split into 240 cities across the globe, and will show when local players are online. Leagues can be created, and messages and challenges sent. The series' myPES synchronisation with Facebook also returns, and will go into more detail. Match reports covering pass success rates, possession, etc, will be detailed, as will each user's top scorers, runs of results and scoring patterns. These can then be posted on the user's Facebook wall for bragging rights.
Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 will be available in Autumn 2012 on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Windows PC, PlayStation 2, PSP, Nintendo 3DS, and Nintendo Wii.

Box art for Pro Evolution Soccer 2013








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