E3 2012 | Code of Princess Heading to North America

By Az Elias 04.06.2012 5

E3 2012 | Code of Princess Heading to North America on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Siliconera has reported that 3DS beat 'em up RPG Code of Princess is being localised for North America to release in the Autumn of this year.

It has been confirmed that Atlus USA will publish the game in the West, with a Sound & Visual Book being handed out for those that pre-order it. This package will contain artwork from game world designer Kini Nishimura and soundtracks produced by ACE. You can now check out Atlus' official Code of Princess website.

Code of Princess has been well-received, garnering a respectable 30/40 score from Famitsu. With any luck, Princess Solange will be bringing her near-clothesless self and huge blade to Europe this year, too.

Box art for Code of Princess





Real Time RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (2 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Really hoping we'll be getting this in Europe too as I've been wanting to play a 2D beat 'em up RPG for a while now. Maybe Rising Star Games will be picking it up?

With RSG's recent track record, I'd be surprised if they do. The 'Home of Japanese' games has hardly been doing a good job for Nintendo fans lately.

I'd put more hope in someone like Ghostlight at the moment, to be honest! Smilie

Code of Princess did quite well in Japan - glad to see Atlus giving it a chance in the US Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Adam Riley said:
With RSG's recent track record, I'd be surprised if they do. The 'Home of Japanese' games has hardly been doing a good job for Nintendo fans lately.

I'd put more hope in someone like Ghostlight at the moment, to be honest! Smilie

Code of Princess did quite well in Japan - glad to see Atlus giving it a chance in the US Smilie

Oh yes, I was meaning to add Ghostlight to my post too. Atlus is doing a really great job lately, it's actually quite impressive how many titles they're handling at once. I suppose localizing games for North America doesn't require as much time though, since they only need an English translation unlike Europe.

I wonder how many games that fact prevented from coming to Europe? Okamiden is one game that was released here in English only and I wish we could see more of those type of releases. With Nintendo fully embracing digital distribution in the near future, publishers could offer the localized NA versions of games like this without having to worry about printing copies, too many or too few copies on the market and so on, making them a lot less risky to pick up.

Oh darn....Atlus has figured out the biggest weakness of us Americans, mamoth sized mammories!!! XD

I don't care if I sound dirty I'm soooooo getting this!!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422
Monkey D Super (guest) 05.06.2012#5

Hell yeah! Now just bring this to EU as well Atlus and I will give you my money!

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