E3 2012 | Nintendo Detail Wii U Online Communication - Mii Universe

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.06.2012 8

E3 2012 | Nintendo Detail Wii U Online Communication - Mii Universe on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Tonight Nintendo also revealed part of the Wii U's interface geared at online communication - introducing, the Mii Universe.

With the core focus of the hardware so far being on the controller, now known as GamePad, players had been wondering just how Nintendo will be approaching online play and communication, in an era where "Facebook" is likely said more than "milk" and "bread". Given the company's contemporaries have solid online systems in place, for the most part, Nintendo's plans for their online Network have remained a mystery - until now.

During the pre-E3 Nintendo direct broadcast, company boss Satoru Iwata illustrated a chunk of how the Wii U's interface will work - via a large social hub known as Mii Universe, or Miiverse for short.

Image for E3 2012 | Nintendo Detail Wii U Online Communication - Mii Universe

Wii U Mii Universe Features include

  • User accounts - you, your parents, friends and even your pet hamster can create an account with specific friends and settings.
  • A bunch of Miis - your own, friends and others in your country playing similar games to act as a form of communication hub.
  • Send hand-drawn notes, images with facial expressions, straightforward text and live video
  • Share in-game content with your network, send messages during a game - play can be suspended and the menu accessed, without leaving the game like on 3DS.
  • Eventually Nintendo will roll out access to Miiverse on any internet-enabled device like your PC, mobile phone and 3DS.
  • The hub can be accessed on the big screen, GamePad screen or both - letting players have freedom and flexibility in communicating. Even pull up a video screen to chat with your friends using Wii U.

Image for E3 2012 | Nintendo Detail Wii U Online Communication - Mii Universe

Nintendo are expected to reveal more functionality during E3 itself this week.

What do you think of the Miiverse and online infrastructure on Wii U so far?

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This sounds awesome!

I like that the core game experience of Nintendo (i.e. Wii U / 3DS) is staying with consoles. I don't want to see Nintendo games (whether new or retro) on Android/iOS. But I am all for expanding a social aspect of gaming to those devices.

It looks really fun, if it can be pulled off correctly.

This is how Pictochat should have been done in 2004.

Nintendo are taking a slight risk, i wonder how they have made this 'pedo-safe'

I'll be very surprised if the Miiverse's eventual appearance on the 3DS doesn't merge it with the Mii Plaza somehow.

The comments thing intrigues me. In his presentation, it sounds like people can leave comments about the game, and even about specific points of the game. As the player is playing the game, he might see comments from his friends pop up at those specific points. You can see what I'm talking about at 22:18 of the presentation.

It reminds of how people can leave comments about a song on SoundCloud, like this:

Seems like a cool idea if they can prevent spoilers and just general obnoxiousness (and he mentioned they would work on the spoiler thing). I think I would like it best if I could choose to just limit it to my circle of friends.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

I like the look of this messaging system.

Pizzashapes (guest) 04.06.2012#7

I noticed the DK and MK and the zombie game symbolised by the gun icon, could this mean they are in development?

I like Nintendo's take on the social aspect of gaming. I think their way of having Miis gather 'round games they're playing is a grea idea. Can't wait for more information about the WiiU.

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