E3 2012 | Nintendo Reveals Final Name for Wii U Tablet - The GamePad

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.06.2012 5

E3 2012 | Nintendo Reveals Final Name for Wii U Tablet - The GamePad on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

All this time we've referred to the Wii U tablet controller as the "tablet", however Iwata has revealed its final name.

The peripheral, key to the Wii U strategy, boasts a multitude of functions - analogue sticks, touch screen, camera, traditional buttons, speaker and supposedly the ability to toast bread and make tea. It can even control your TV now, according to Iwata.

Image for E3 2012 | Nintendo Reveals Final Name for Wii U Tablet - The GamePad

But what name should be given to such a beast? Nintendo has officially christened the Wii U tablet as the Wii U GamePad. It simply, does it all.

The origins and decisions behind the name hark back to the 80s, where ickle players were describing their NES controllers as "Game pads", and much like "Wii Remote" has become commonplace, it seems Nintendo wants to do this once more with the GamePad.

Image for E3 2012 | Nintendo Reveals Final Name for Wii U Tablet - The GamePad

But onto the more juicer tidbits - like the rumoured and recently leaked images of the final hardware, the GamePad now touts conventional analogue sticks as the consensus was that the low profile cicle pad used in the Nintendo 3DS was more suitable for portables.

The controller still allows for stylus/finger input, motion control, camera etc - even letting players "post" content from your browser to the big screen behind a curtain. Just don't get caught!

The back of the pad contains more hand-friendly grips, a more comfortable form for those longer play sessions.

Image for E3 2012 | Nintendo Reveals Final Name for Wii U Tablet - The GamePad

Finally - that mysterious, much talked about square on the left side of the Game Pad. It's not there for cosmetic reasons - the spot will be used for NFC - Near Field Communication - to import objects, like action figures, into your games and apps.

Image for E3 2012 | Nintendo Reveals Final Name for Wii U Tablet - The GamePad

What do you think of the revised, final look and layout for the Wii U GamePad? What about the name itself? Be sure to share your thoughts in our comments section below.

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I was really impressed with the features of the Gamepad. But my favorite is that it could be used as a TV remote as well. There were so many times I wished the Wiimote could turn on and off the TV.

The TV remote thing seems handy. I imagine it's really easy to do. I figure they're basically just adding a cheap univeral remote into the controller, but it's a nice idea. I'm kind of wondering why no one ever did it before.

This a really great way for Nintendo to make the WiiU a media center.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18
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I'm probably reading too much into this, but could those two small squares near the bottom of the grip spaces be for something? (Vitality sensor maybe) The front of the GamePad makes a big fuss of two of its square buttons, so I'd be surprised if these on the back didn't do anything.
Edit: Just noticed all the others along the top. Doh! Forget I said anything. Smilie

Otherwise, looks like a comfortable user-friendly device, looking forward to getting my hands on it. Smilie

( Edited 04.06.2012 03:44 by Phoenixus )

Darkflame (guest) 04.06.2012#4

So, no improved Wiimote then? bah.

I hate the fact Nintendo are abandoning the good work done by Corruption,Sports Resort and Skyward Sword.
Merely �supporting� a last gen controller effectively makes the wii critics right - it was a one off gimick, and not the next evolution of controllers.

While I like the features of the WiiU Pad ((like the IR/TV remote), it still doesnt near make up for missing the two-hand comfort or the pointer functions of the wiimote.

Nintendo needs to show me some very impressive games for me to want this system any time soon.

properFix (guest) 21.01.2014#5

However, "gamepad" reffers to any videogame controller with d-pad, analog sticks, face, and shoulder buttons in general. Would be like trademarking crayon brand with trademark "Crayon(TM)"

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