E3 2012 | Gearbox: The Controller Specs Will Be 'Awesome'

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.06.2012

E3 2012 | Gearbox: The Controller Specs Will Be

Nintendo have been working hard with third parties to ready the Wii U and get the technology just right - especially the tablet controller.

Gearbox Software, who have been keen supporters of Nintendo's next console so far, were recently full of praise for the controller itself - confirming that suggestions made from Gearbox and other studios have been fed into the final specifications for the new peripheral - notably what appeared to new analogue sticks last month.

We were early in seeing what was happening with the Wii U and we’ve been able to give some feedback. They’ve listened, and I think we’ll see some cool stuff that we’ve had some influence over. I think the final controller specs are going to be awesome.

Gearbox Software art director Brian Cozzens speaking to Nintendo Gamer

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