Soccer Up Trailer from EnjoyUp Games

By Pip 01.06.2012

Soccer Up Trailer from EnjoyUp Games on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Soccer Up (also known as Football Up) from EnjoyUp Games has been enjoying 5 months of success since its launch in December last year. This Nintendo Wii title allows total control over the actions of team players and has a free moving ball. Players can choose the height, effect and power of passes before shooting to try and score a goal.

Have a look at the trailer here:


Each country has its national team and there is also the opportunity for players to create their own team with the in-game editor. Teams can have their own names and equipment and can be made up of Mii characters.

This title allows up to four players in co-operative or rival mode.

Box art for Football Up!
Also known as

Soccer Up!









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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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