Nintendo Character Profile | Pit

By 19.05.2012 7

"This tower is really huge; I mean there was a loading screen and everything."

Pit is the main character in the Kid Icarus games, he is the captain of the bodyguard of Lady Palutena, and is also an angel. The twist is that he cannot fly without help. He has only appeared in four games, with the newest game being 21 years after his last main adventure, so he has had quite a bit of time to change.


Age: Pit's character is made from a mix of different Greek legends, so it's probably within the 2,000-3,000 year old range, even though he has the physical appearance of a young teenager, and there are literally 25 years between the first game and Kid Icarus: Uprising, meaning he doesn't age much at all, which suits some people.

Species: Pit is an angel and the head of the Palutena's holy army.

Location: Pit's been in many places throughout his time, including the Underworld. He is a resident of Angel Land in Skyworld.

Birth: Whilst no information has been shared of his birth, Pit was the captain of Palutena's bodyguard, until one day Medusa's Underworld Army attacked and Pit found himself trapped and in quite the predicament. With Palutena's help, giving him a bow even though she was being held prisoner back in Skyworld, Pit gathered the sacred treasures, defeated Medusa and saved the day -- job done, and he received a kiss of gratitude as thanks. He now usually resides in Angelland as Palutena's bodyguard, helping her out wherever he can.

Image for Nintendo Character Profile | Pit

Main Features: As an angel, Pit has wings, but for the most part he cannot fly unless Palutena gives him the "Miracle of Flight," and even then it is only for five minutes. He usually carries a weapon known as Palutena's Bow from which he shoots arrows made of light to defeat his enemies. There is quite a bit of difference in his appearance from the first two games, since it seems that Pit has grown out of all the puppy fat he had before.

Personality wise, he is a fearless and heroic fighter who will stand in the way of danger at any time. However, this fearlessness seems to come from his absolute trust in Lady Palutena, since he always seems quiet and nervous without her in the same way a child may be nervous when going to school for the first time and being without their parents.

Clothing: Pit wears traditional Ancient Greek era clothing with him mainly depicted wearing a white toga with a chlamys and belt, with gauntlets and gladiator sandals, all of varying colours throughout each game. For instance, the Game Boy title Of Myths and Monsters sees him wearing a laurel wreath on his head. In each game in the Kid Icarus series, Pit collects the three sacred treasures that not only give him the power to defeat Medusa, but bestow him with a more traditional soldier-type look.


Pit is the captain of Palutena's personal bodyguard, and was once just a mere soldier. One day, Medusa's army invaded Skyworld with Pit falling into the Underworld. With the help of Lady Palutena, Pit made his way out of the Underworld to Skyworld with the sacred treasures and defeated Medusa and her army.


Pit has made quite a few cameos in his time, but has only been in four games as a playable character. His cameos include playing a violin in Tetris on the NES, cheering the player on in F1 Race, popping up in various WarioWare games, as well as appearing in Super Smash Bros. Melee as a Trophy. He has also made a few TV appearances, such as in the Captain N series, as well as starring in Nintendo Video shorts promoting Kid Icarus: Uprising. The following games are where he is playable:


Best Appearance:

Considering there is not much to choose from, Pit's latest appearance in Kid Icarus: Uprising is his best and, despite being playable in Brawl, which is also an excellent game, it is not really his own. Pit really shows us what he can do in Uprising with both flying and ground sections showing his incredibly diverse means of combat. Not only that, but it is one of the most replayable games on Nintendo 3DS, with loads of collectable weapons and a great online mode. To top it all off, it is one of the best looking games on the system, with lush visuals and eye melting 3D. The fast-paced action will keep you playing the game for a very long time.

Do Not Mention:

Like Pit's best appearance, this one was pretty hard to choose, but since Medusa is the original enemy, and she seems to have a personal vendetta against Angelland and Palutena, she is Pit's most major enemy. In the first game, she attacked Skyworld and held Palutena prisoner, all while Pit had to escape the Underworld to defeat her. She also makes a comeback in Uprising after being brought back to life after 25 years, trying to take her revenge on Pit and Palutena.

Pit is a great character and many would say that he should have made his comeback a while ago. He is usually fearless, has a great personality and can throw in a few jokes here and there. He also has a dark version of himself, showing some major contrast. Hopefully the appearance in Super Smash Bros. and the recent Kid Icarus: Uprising means that Pit will soar through the skies in even more games in the future; just not too high or his wings may melt!

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I think Pit's pretty much locked down for another Smash Bros. appearance, but I'm surprised he's not made it into other Nintendo multi-player games yet.

Sakurai-san has said he isn't working on a sequel at the moment, so I wonder when we'll next see Pit rear his head...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Well, another team might handle the next Kid Icarus, before Factor 5 went down, it was thought that they were doing the game, so I guess Nintendo can get one of their other teams to do it, or ask Treasure.

Swear I read something about it being unlikely there'll be a new Kid Icarus for quite some time, since they put their all into Uprising. Sakurai joked the next game could be another 20 years from now. Although that's very unlikely, it does sound like they aren't looking to bring him back any time soon. Saying something like that so soon after releasing Uprising is an odd one, though. Another team may take the next one in another direction some day. Perhaps a new 2D game.

I think if Sakurai said he wasn't planning on another Kid Icarus, that doesn't mean Nintendo as a whole won't make one if Uprising did well. I really hope the series becomes a mainstay because I've come to adore Pit! He's definitely a Nintendo great with all his quirky lines and adorable banter with pretty much anyone he meets.

I think it'd have been funny if you mentioned the fact Pit can't fly in "do not mention:" Smilie it seems to be a pretty darn touchy subject to him.

Palutena bless you Pit may you soar another day.

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Azuardo said:
Swear I read something about it being unlikely there'll be a new Kid Icarus for quite some time, since they put their all into Uprising. Sakurai joked the next game could be another 20 years from now. Although that's very unlikely, it does sound like they aren't looking to bring him back any time soon. Saying something like that so soon after releasing Uprising is an odd one, though. Another team may take the next one in another direction some day. Perhaps a new 2D game.

"New" Kid Icarus confirmed.. looks as bland as New Super Mario Bros.

In all seriousness though, I would love to see another 2D Kid Icarus game, I loved the first game... and I'm sure I will love the GB sequel too, which I'll pick up on the VC eventually.

( Edited 20.05.2012 00:28 by Mush123 )

Painted/pseudo 3D as a quickie eShop or Wii U shop release would be ace Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

SuperLink said:
I think it'd have been funny if you mentioned the fact Pit can't fly in "do not mention:" Smilie it seems to be a pretty darn touchy subject to him.

Actually, I thought about that, oh well.

Next Month's sure to be better.

( Edited 20.05.2012 18:38 by Stulaw )

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