Lost Planet Spin-Off Heading to 3DS - First Look

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.05.2012 4

Lost Planet Spin-Off Heading to 3DS - First Look on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom has announced a new action shooter for PS3 and 3DS set in the same universe as the Lost Planet series.

Titled E.X. Troopers, the new game will rely on a similar theme and setting, but instead take on an animé visual style and a youthful vibe - apparently looking a lot like a cross between Lost Planet and Capcom's classic school brawler, Rival Schools.

Shintaro Kojima, the chap who produces Monster Hunter will be at the helm of this one. Between events there'll also be a "manga demo" systen akin to Gravity Rush.

Image for Lost Planet Spin-Off Heading to 3DS - First Look

Thanks to Linkshinks for the tip.

What do you think of the new E.X. Troopers concept and its ties to Lost Planet?

Box art for E.X. Troopers








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I have more interest in contra 5 3DS.

heywes (guest) 16.05.2012#2

Is there any gameplay information or images yet? Guy that produces Monster Hunter heading it, Lost Planet universe (also involves monster hunting) and Lost Planet theme. I defs want more info.




( Edited 17.05.2012 05:14 by Linkyshinks )

This could work....or really suck. Depends on how cliched the "vibrant youth" are. I just hope it actually has a comprehensive story...which is something LP lacked heavily.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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