Future is Bright for Monster Hunter in the West

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.04.2012 17

Future is Bright for Monster Hunter in the West on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Fans of Capcom's Monster Hunter franchise in the West can rest easy: the future is bright, according to Christian Svennson.

The face of all things PR, Svennson is often quizzed on why certain games and franchises haven't made the transition outside Japanese borders. One of the more desired Capcom franchises is the increasingly popular Monster Hunter. The meaty adventures have found fans in the West though a handful of well-received localised games, but whether future installments like Monster Hunter Tri G would follow is still uncertain.

Speaking during a Q&A session today, Svennson was coy on whether Tri G would be translated, however he exclaimed that the series' future outside Japan is "very bright".

As far as the future goes, I have every confidence that at some point in time, people are going to be happy with us again,” he said. And I understand the frustration of ‘be patient’ because I’ve been saying it for as long as I have. Just understand that I’d hoped to have a product on the market for you already by now. You’re going to be okay. Just trust me. We need a little more time to make clear what the next phase is.”

Thanks to C3 reader Linkyshinks.

Are you a fan of the Monster Hunter series? Would you like to see more installments make the localisation cut?

Box art for Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Also known as

Monster Hunter 3G









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Monster Hunter Tri is a game i've recently had the pleasure of experiencing, it's a great game, and something I wish I got into sooner. I have a long way to go but i'm happy with what i'm seeing, and i'd be willing to explore further games.

I've been a huge fan of every Monster Hunter game to date, and really hope 3G and 4 come to the US.
That's why I imported a CPP from Japan. Smilie

Please give us more MH, Capcom!

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He does sound like he's trying everything in his power to give the western Monster Hunter fanbase what they want. Maybe Nintendo can even step in again like they did for Monster Hunter Tri. Smilie After all, that game helped popularize the series in the west a lot and Monster Hunter Tri G would certainly be a great game to promote as one of the flagship online 3DS games.

What I don't like about MH3: Once you complete the single player and you decide it's time to play online... YOU HAVE TO START OUT WITH ALL THESE STUPID SIMPLE QUESTS!! Like collecting dino turds and flowers for your mom.

Come on, I've just defeated every monster on my own, just let me go play with the other big boys.

Canyarion said:
What I don't like about MH3: Once you complete the single player and you decide it's time to play online... YOU HAVE TO START OUT WITH ALL THESE STUPID SIMPLE QUESTS!! Like collecting dino turds and flowers for your mom.

Come on, I've just defeated every monster on my own, just let me go play with the other big boys.

This is why I played online and single player like.. at the same time. When I wasn't playing online, I was progressing a little bit in the single player.

I can't wait for MH Tri G to be released over here. If it does, of course.

Honestly I couldn't care for Tri G since it's just an expansion of Tri on Wii, mostly same story, all the same monster with only a few new ones & simple recolors of old ones....like the Ice Barioth...real original Capcom.

Nope just give me MH4 with online & I'll be fine with that.

(Mod edit: You mean "couldn't care," not "could care." Pet peeve; had to edit :] - Azuardo)

( Edited 28.04.2012 19:39 by Azuardo )

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Given that it sold great, of course we should get sequals to MH3...is silly talk for it to even be an option.

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Vorash Kadan said:
Honestly I couldn't care for Tri G since it's just an expansion of Tri on Wii, mostly same story, all the same monster with only a few new ones & simple recolors of old ones....like the Ice Barioth...real original Capcom.

Nope just give me MH4 with online & I'll be fine with that.

So I take it that you never wanted to play with the four weapon types that weren't in Tri, which are Dual Swords, Gunlance, Hunting Horn and Bow? Or fight older monsters (with their own weapons and armour sets) that weren't in Tri, since it mostly had new ones?

Oh and I'm sorry but...story and Monster Hunter? That would make you the first MH fan I've ever seen who even remotely cares about its story.

Considering the only GENUINELY NEW weapon is the dual knives I'd say yes, again all the others have been in previous MH games though I do love to use the GL when it's available.

Thanks Azu, no worries I had to use my phone again lol.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Vorash Kadan said:
Considering the only GENUINELY NEW weapon is the dual knives I'd say yes, again all the others have been in previous MH games though I do love to use the GL when it's available

That's good for you then if you've played those previous MH games but there are a ton of fans who got into the series with Tri and missed out on all that content. If you've played older games in the series, then you should know all too well that it's almost a tradition for them to make a 'G' title of the current generation before moving on to the next, like Monster Hunter Freedom was for the original Monster Hunter and Monster Hunter Freedom Unite was for Monster Hunter Freedom 2.

Oh and the Dual Swords have been around for a long time and are far from new.

Slow down turbo my comment only related to what I WOULD BUY, people can purchase whatever they want...but I'll only be getting Tri G used & at 1/4 the original sale price.

Really....what MH was the Dual Knives in praytell?

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Vorash Kadan said:
Slow down turbo my comment only related to what I WOULD BUY, people can purchase whatever they want...but I'll only be getting Tri G used & at 1/4 the original sale price.

Really....what MH was the Dual Knives in praytell?

The Dual Swords were introduced in the western version of the first Monster Hunter game. (Correct me if I'm wrong.)

Sorry bad link, here.


As I said I give credit where credit is due even if it makes me wrong.

Sorry again Azu, go ahead & delete my above post.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

http://monsterhunter.wikia.com/wiki/Dual_Sword I knew I was right. Smilie I haven't even played the first Monster Hunter game, lol.

Well I figured it wasn't in the ps2 original (I never noticed if it was there or not) but it was in 2 psp ones...but again I never noticed.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Vorash Kadan said:
Well I figured it wasn't in the ps2 original (I never noticed if it was there or not) but it was in 2 psp ones...but again I never noticed.
Dual Swords didn't exist until the Japanese game, Monster Hunter G, but found their way into the American and European version of Monster Hunter on the PS2. Hopefully I've cleared things up for you.

( Edited 30.04.2012 19:55 by Mush123 )

Smilie! Street Fighter + Pokemon + any generic hunting game = Monster Hunter

Vorash Kadan said:
Honestly I couldn't care for Tri G since it's just an expansion of Tri on Wii, mostly same story, all the same monster with only a few new ones & simple recolors of old ones....like the Ice Barioth...real original Capcom.

That's weird, I never saw the small stories in MH to be the main view of the games. It's all about the hunts in my opinion. Recolored monsters generally come with slightly different attacks and/or elements that can change the overall way you would have approached that monster before.

Also like the "G" titled MH games from before Tri G comes with G rank quests. In G rank monsters are more aggressive and hit alot harder. They also come with strengthen defense which means you'll need a sharper weapon so your attacks don't bounce off leaving you vulnerable to their counter attacks. Then there's the G rank armors that have different skills than their high rank counter parts.

Canyarion said:
What I don't like about MH3: Once you complete the single player and you decide it's time to play online... YOU HAVE TO START OUT WITH ALL THESE STUPID SIMPLE QUESTS!! Like collecting dino turds and flowers for your mom.

Come on, I've just defeated every monster on my own, just let me go play with the other big boys.

Smilie yeah that can get really tedious, but you dont have to do alot of those quests. I just wish Capcom would label what quests are actual key quests rather than me having to go to the MHwiki and looking up what the key quests are so I'm not stuck doing boring gathering quests.

SirLink said:
Vorash Kadan said:
Honestly I couldn't care for Tri G since it's just an expansion of Tri on Wii, mostly same story, all the same monster with only a few new ones & simple recolors of old ones....like the Ice Barioth...real original Capcom.

Nope just give me MH4 with online & I'll be fine with that.

So I take it that you never wanted to play with the four weapon types that weren't in Tri, which are Dual Swords, Gunlance, Hunting Horn and Bow? Or fight older monsters (with their own weapons and armour sets) that weren't in Tri, since it mostly had new ones?

Oh and I'm sorry but...story and Monster Hunter? That would make you the first MH fan I've ever seen who even remotely cares about its story.


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