Fans of Capcom's Monster Hunter franchise in the West can rest easy: the future is bright, according to Christian Svennson.
The face of all things PR, Svennson is often quizzed on why certain games and franchises haven't made the transition outside Japanese borders. One of the more desired Capcom franchises is the increasingly popular Monster Hunter. The meaty adventures have found fans in the West though a handful of well-received localised games, but whether future installments like Monster Hunter Tri G would follow is still uncertain.
Speaking during a Q&A session today, Svennson was coy on whether Tri G would be translated, however he exclaimed that the series' future outside Japan is "very bright".
As far as the future goes, I have every confidence that at some point in time, people are going to be happy with us again,” he said. And I understand the frustration of ‘be patient’ because I’ve been saying it for as long as I have. Just understand that I’d hoped to have a product on the market for you already by now. You’re going to be okay. Just trust me. We need a little more time to make clear what the next phase is.”
Thanks to C3 reader Linkyshinks.
Are you a fan of the Monster Hunter series? Would you like to see more installments make the localisation cut?