Rumour: Could Wii U Run Google's Android OS?

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.04.2012 12

Rumour: Could Wii U Run Google

A new rumour has started to do the internet rounds today, suggesting that the Wii U may run a version of Google Android.

The system is the foundation for many smartphones, tablets, a growing number of computers, televisions and even watches and fridges.

The report suggests that Nintendo are having a helping hand with the Wii U operating system - supposedly using the popular open-source Android as the foundation, bringing with it the potential to tap into an ever-growing base of applications - including the likes of Facebook and Twitter.

Whilst letting developers run loose on the new system would cause a slew of problems with piracy and un-authorised Mario clones, there could be the possibility to have a Nintendo-approved app store instead of the standard Google Play selection to home in on any unwanted software. Given the touch-screen nature of the Wii U controller, it may just form a perfect match.

That said, Nintendo usually prefer their own, bespoke and restricted approach with software, so a collaboration with Google does seem a tad unlikely, but still a feasible idea given the nature of the hardware.

Do you think Nintendo should use Android in the Wii U system given the large amount of applications and games already available, plus the touch screen controller?

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Hm, that would be quite an unlikely move from the Nintendo we know.

But it would be so good for the system. Think of the huge game library it would launch with!

If they do use Android they better close all doors on the OS as that thing will get hacked in seconds. Not sure how it would work, will it be for the controller only?

Im leaning on the unlikely of this like everyone else it seems, but its not a terrible idea for Nintendo to get into the app market by just joining a pre-excisting one, of course it wouldn't run every app out there, im sure they would filter them to like 5% of whats out there, but what would be left would be some great features like "Draw something", "sonic CD/4","angry birds" and and many other apps and games both suited for a traditional but mostly touchscreen interface. Personally i'd like this to be true, but more than likely won't be.

That doesn't sound like Nintendo at all.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

Not impossible but i'd say it's pretty unlikley.

Oh right, the source is a french website called Nintendo-Town. In other words it's total BS.

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wolfy (forgot pw) (guest) 27.04.2012#7

Hard to say, because Nintendo is running Mozilla 5.0 on the 3DS internet. and They had went to other companys to partner up on EVERYTHING. so I think Nintendo is all ready breaking down their walls.

Highly unlikely, the only thing i can see here is the ethic of "if you can't beat them, join them" but that has never really been Ninty's philosophy!

I have a Droid X, if I can link my account to the U that'd BOSS!! Esspecially for games like Pocket God & Canabalt.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

wolfy (forgot pw) (guest) said:
Hard to say, because Nintendo is running Mozilla 5.0 on the 3DS internet.

No, its NetFront unfortunately, not even the newest version.

Mozzila is just too big. And for some reason they stopped using Opera (maybe the fee's were too much).

Its a real pitty too, the 3DS could do wayyy better, but they choose a really streamlined small browser they could run while multitasking a full 3ds game.
Cool idea - but they should have included a full browser as well. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

Remember folks: Android based does not mean it has to support Android apps.

Android is a really flexible, open source, Linux-based OS. It can run on fairly low spec hardware and gives Nintendo a good base to work from.

Honestly, I can see them using it.

Hopefully they will allow certain apps to run on it at least - Androids webbrowser would be nice. Flash support would be nice. Email apps etc. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

That's exactly why it won't be used Darkflame, it's Open Sourced, Nintendo have always made their own OS for their systems, and the Wii U isn't going to change, this rumour is just stupid and that's that.

Also, considering you'd only need Java and a bit of XML to make something for it, why would Nintendo bother making their own API and offer free licensing for AutoDesk and Havok if it was Android Based.

( Edited 02.05.2012 14:50 by Stulaw )

Follow Me on twitter :: @Stulaw90 || My Youtube || Backloggery
NNID: Stulaw

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