New 3DS Pokémon Black & White Apps Incoming

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.04.2012 7

New 3DS Pokémon Black & White Apps Incoming on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Want to boost your Pokémon knowledge? Nintendo have announced a pair of apps on the way featuring your favourite critters.

The company embraced the idea of apps with Pokédex 3D - a nifty free companion containing information on all the relatively newer monsters, and with the imminent release of Pokémon Black and White 2, the app will be getting a new version - which translates to Pokédex 3D Pro.

Image for New 3DS Pokémon Black & White Apps Incoming

The original version will be removed from the shop on June 17th, with the update out a month later on July 14th to compliment the Japanese June 23rd release. Unlike the original, the app will come at a charge of 1,500 Yen (£11 / $18/ €13) . A Western release for the app has yet to be confirmed, but it's more than likely.

Also incoming is Pokémon AR Searcher - a game where you'll look around your surroundings and capture Pokémon - any that you nab will be available in your copy of Black & White 2. Think of it as a Hybrid of Face Raiders and the Nintendo 64 classic, Pokémon Snap. It'll be available to download alongside the game's Japanese release for a far more afforable 300 Yen (£2 / $3 / $2.70).

Image for New 3DS Pokémon Black & White Apps Incoming

Do either of these apps interest you? WIll you be downloading either - are you happy paying for these extras?

Box art for Pokémon Black 2 and White 2

Game Freak




Turn Based RPG



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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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whaa...why is the actualy-a-game app far cheaper then the viewing app :?

Thats just silly :-/

I might go for the AR game, but £11 for a pokedex is nuts. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Sweet and in a since kinda like PokeWalker, too. that's awesome.

I always buy my Pokémon games when their price has dropped to €13. There's no way I'd ever consider a silly app for that price.

The AR PKMN catcher could be fun, or could grow old really fast.

goku45 (guest) 23.04.2012#4

I thank that kind of cool

Darkflame said:
whaa...why is the actualy-a-game app far cheaper then the viewing app :?

Thats just silly :-/

I might go for the AR game, but £11 for a pokedex is nuts.

The new viewer app has every single pokemon modled in 3D does it not?

Seems like that would take more man hours and work to create that than the AR game.
Looks like one of those cheap AR games aswell, you know the ones that arn't really AR, basically you just move around and pokemon will randomly appear based on the gyro movement, esentially what ever the cameras capture dosn't really matter all that much.

darkdestroyer (guest) 27.04.2012#6

what the heck if i want to see every pokemon in the pokedex than it should be an update not an app

mouhamed (guest) 12.05.2012#7

i like pokemon SmilieSmilieSmilie

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