Nintendo Announces New Super Mario Bros. 2 for 3DS

By Az Elias 21.04.2012 40

Nintendo Announces New Super Mario Bros. 2 for 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

At today's Nintendo Direct Conference Nintendo president Satoru Iwata revealed a new game for Nintendo 3DS. New Super Mario Bros. 2 is a brand new sidescroller that Iwata says Nintendo are "aiming for a new 2D Mario standard with the game." Apart from noticing in the first images that the P-Wing will make a return from Super Mario Bros. 3 and a slated release date of August, no other information was shared. Have a gander at the first pics below.

Image for Nintendo Announces New Super Mario Bros. 2 for 3DS

Image for Nintendo Announces New Super Mario Bros. 2 for 3DS

Image for Nintendo Announces New Super Mario Bros. 2 for 3DS

Image for Nintendo Announces New Super Mario Bros. 2 for 3DS
Box art for New Super Mario Bros. 2





2D Platformer



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SteveO526 said:
As much as I love Nintendo, I was kinda hoping for a change of pace. Y'know, something other than a sidescroller for once. I mean, this looks nice, but maybe it's time to go in a different direction. What about, I dunno, a 3D Mario RPG game? Like the good ol' days of Super Mario RPG on the SNES.

Is this a joke post?

Bart (guest) 22.04.2012#27

Not sure, are you trying to make a joke Mr James2t3? I don't find it particularly funny at the moment, so I'd go with no.

No, it's not a joke post. I was being serious. What's wrong with trying something different? I could see a 3D Mario RPG game happening.

"You make me want to play Russian Roulette with a glock. By myself."

I ask if it is a joke post because,

This is the third 2D(only the second hand held 2D mario) mario in recent years, at a time when 2D sidescrollers while not rare are kind of an under represented genre, especially at retail.

The fact that Nintendo are making them at all ARE a change of pace from their 3D platformers.

Another thing, SteveO526 wants a 3D RPG mario game, uhh there is a series called Paper Mario? A series which is confirmed to be coming out on 3DS in the fairly near future.

There is also the Mario and Luigi RPG games, but they are technically 2D so I suppose they don't is Super Mario RPG....*implodes*

( Edited 22.04.2012 19:22 by Mr James2t3 )

Marzy said:
No need to be a smart-ass, James. I really find your posts unnecessary and it's as if you're just trying to start an argument over something small.

He clearly wasn't joking.

I am not trying to start an argument at all.

Sorry but I just found his statment very flawed from my perspective.

I laid out my reasons for why I think so, sorry if having an opinion on the matter offends anyone but I stand by what I said.

Honestly Marzy, it's your post which is unnecessary.

( Edited 22.04.2012 20:06 by Mr James2t3 )

I agree completely with ya. I was just thinking about some of the comments from people claiming that Nintendo is doing the same thing over and over again. I'm definitely aware of the upcoming Paper Mario title; I was just thinking that maybe an RPG-styled game with a "Super Mario 64" perspective might be a neat idea. ^_^;

"You make me want to play Russian Roulette with a glock. By myself."

SteveO526 said:
I agree completely with ya. I was just thinking about some of the comments from people claiming that Nintendo is doing the same thing over and over again. I'm definitely aware of the upcoming Paper Mario title; I was just thinking that maybe an RPG-styled game with a "Super Mario 64" perspective might be a neat idea. ^_^;

No problem mate, just 3D RPG is kinda a vauge statment.

As for NSMB I mean yeah I can understand if you said the presentation style could use an upgrade as it's a little unimaginative but I still want 2D mario platformers to be made, I don't want another 10 or so years without getting a 2D Mario game again! As I actually prefer that style of platformer.

( Edited 22.04.2012 19:54 by Mr James2t3 )

For me to buy this their would need to be a really good variety of music, power ups and maybe some overall different areas other then the usual. Multiplayer as well like the wii version would also be good.

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I just hope it's not easy like the other recent games have been. It also needs new music and scenery. From those screen a non gamer wouldn't be able to tell if this is a new game or not, heck it'll probably be difficult for a gamer to distinguish it from the past 2 predecessors.

The art style is horrendous.

Its ridiculously boring. I hate this 2.5 look and others are right. Its getting harder to tell the games apart. mario bros 3 looks different to super mario world which looks different to yoshis island. These new games however all look the same. And there is little experimentation. Its all so safe and dull.

The 3d games continue to excel but the 2d games are boring.

I am sure there will be a new Mario & Lugia game for the 3DS at some point, the others were quite successfull.

oh, for that matter, there is a Paper Mario RPG already confirmed. (allthough I think I prefer M&L)

Canyarion said:
Wow, what a reaction... So many complaints about yet another Mario platformer.

Mario games are great!! Stop complaining and start playing! It's not like you have to buy it anyway.

But Nintendo making mario games like this means less mario games that I like Smilie

I want a nice map/hub of some sort, explorable levels with lots of secrets.
I want something big and fundamentally new in the game, some new gameplay mechanic that I have never experienced before. No, bringing back a item from a older game is NOT that. Nor is "same again but with online scores".

I dont think I am asking for much either, Mario Galaxy did something completely new with 3d platforming, I am sure theres all sorts of interesting possibilities left for 2D.

( Edited 23.04.2012 17:33 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Bart (guest) 23.04.2012#37

I feel that in general there is a hell of a lot to be done in terms of creativity in games. But to expect it from a giant games company in a series of games that turn huge profits is like expecting Hollywood to turn Spiderman 5 into something true hardcore spiderman comic fans will enjoy. It's not going to happen.

In other words, look elsewhere. Or grab a popcorn and get excited over the new 3D effect. Whether it be movies or games.

Darkflame said:
Canyarion said:
Wow, what a reaction... So many complaints about yet another Mario platformer.

Mario games are great!! Stop complaining and start playing! It's not like you have to buy it anyway.

But Nintendo making mario games like this means less mario games that I like Smilie

I want a nice map/hub of some sort, explorable levels with lots of secrets.
I want something big and fundamentally new in the game, some new gameplay mechanic that I have never experienced before. No, bringing back a item from a older game is NOT that. Nor is "same again but with online scores".

So these 4 screenshots have told you:
- no nice map/hub
- no explorable levels with secrets
- no new gameplay mechaning

I keep looking at that golden Mario and those golden enemies... and it makes me wonder if golden enemies are invurnerable. That would make for a really nice addition: you can't kill enemies, if you touch them you die!
Now that's just speculation... but at least it's based on the info we have, unlike your concerns.

Bart (guest) 23.04.2012#39

This whole thread reminds me of my Lego days. Having so much fun building and being captured by my own imagination and the illusion of those amazing looking plastics, wishing it would never end.
The only problem was I never had enough money to buy all those huge boxes with awesome castles or spaceships. I would spend my free time just looking through the catalogue of that year's available Lego sets, and daydreaming of how cool it would be to build them.

As I grew older I noticed I lost the fun of actually building Lego and playing with it. Gradually my interested faded, but I tried to cling onto my favourite hobby. If I just get that set, if I can convince my friends to play, the great Lego feelings will come back. Maybe I just need to take
a break from it?

I now have the money to buy whatever Lego set I want, I could schedule time to build whatever I want. But I don't want to anymore. Now I think of the time when I did, how happy I got by stuff like Lego and it's another fond memory of different, simpler times. I don't wish they'd return anymore, but I feel priviliged to have experienced them.

Anyway, Canyarion is right. We should all wait to see how this game turns out. Nintendo is no Sega.

I agree with Marzy on this one. The past couple "New" Super Mario Bros. games have been anything but new. They are very conservative versions of a Mario side scrolling platform game. Take a look at the likes of Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World & Yoshi's Island. All three have the same basic running and jumping gameplay, but it's played around with in each and they all play quite differently from each other (as well as look quite different). To me it seems some of the creativity of the past has been left behind in favour of trading off nostalgia.

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