Complete Ocarina of Time as Young Link in Gohma Glitch

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.04.2012 7

Complete Ocarina of Time as Young Link in Gohma Glitch on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A keen Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time fan has found a unique glitch that lets you finish the game a little earlier than expected!

If there's any game in Nintendo's vast collection that has been explored to the deepest regions of its code, it has to be the 1998 adventure masterpiece. Fans have dug through every inch, trying to find glitches to enhance the speed-running process.

There are hundreds of attempts out there, but this one came to are attention for a particularly unique reason: The ability to finish Ocarina of Time without having to take a single step as Adult Link.

Here YouTuber ZeldaFreakGlitcha finishes the entire game as Young Link in just under 26 minutes. A truly bizzare and breathtaking feat.


Thanks to C3 reader Tubbimora.

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time





Action Adventure



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WOW. I have no idea what happened in most of that. So this would be possible with a normal cart, no codes? O_o I don't even understand how they managed to make a Deku Stick look so powerful. Smilie

Jman (guest) 17.04.2012#2

"Breathtaking"? lol

Yea I saw this video couple of days and I have seen many OOT Glitch videos even for OOT 3DS, it amazes how people find these things. I even did a glitch myself collection all 3 spiritual stones and meeting Princess Zelda, game paradox.

I wonder if he meant to die against Gohma? It all seemed relatively plausible until the end of that boss battle, i mean how did he get from that to the end?

Must be a speed runners nightmare to have to wait for Zelda to open those doors!

Flynnie said:
I wonder if he meant to die against Gohma? It all seemed relatively plausible until the end of that boss battle, i mean how did he get from that to the end?

Must be a speed runners nightmare to have to wait for Zelda to open those doors!

Ohh I hate that part, the agony, deep inside your thinking "B**** hurry the F*** up!" Smilie

That was pretty crazy...but I am a bit confused how he somehow warped through the boss door in the Great Deku Tree & ended up at Ganon's Castle with his first form dead...

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

It all seemed standard speedrun material until the random warp to Ganon's castle. I just do not understand how someone could figure out that was going to happen.

"Oh yeah, you just need to let some bugs go, re-catch them, pausecrash the game, and you're golden."

How he managed to kill himself and Gohma simultaneously was just pure genius. And I can't imagine the practice that went into those shield bounces inside the Deku Tree.

( Edited 30.07.2012 08:45 by Red XIII )

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