CoroCoro Comic Takes a First Look at Pokémon Black and White 2 on Nintendo DS

By Pip 14.04.2012 3

CoroCoro Comic Takes a First Look at Pokémon Black and White 2 on Nintendo DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Japanese magazine CoroCoro Comic has taken a first look at the forthcoming Pokémon Black and White 2 games. The monthly publication reveals that the new games introduce some new characters as well as a new location. As with Pokémon Black and White, there is the option to choose between male and female for the main character.

The first new face players will encounter is the main character's childhood friend referred to as 'Rival' by CoroCoro but not yet established as the confirmed name. There is also Akuroma, a mysterious character who appears to be a conductor of research into the strengths of pokémon.

Homika and Shizui are two more new characters; gym leaders who specialise in poison and water type pokémon. CoroCoro say that Homika will appear in the Pokémon Black and White anime series, making her first appearance in the June 14th episode.

The games also have a new location. Although they are still set in Isshu Region, players begin in the south in a new town called Hiougi City. According to the magazine, it includes the main character's house, a pokémon centre, a training school and a viewing area which allows players to see the whole city.

CoroCoro also confirmed the leaked release date from last week. Pokémon Black and White 2 for the Nintendo DS will be available from June 23rd.

Box art for Pokémon Black 2 and White 2

Game Freak




Turn Based RPG



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Holy shit, a Pokémon center in the first town? WHAT IS THIS MADNESS??!! Smilie

Also found a new trailer:



Apparently most of Unova is frozen solid (which looks pretty funny on the Unova map lol) and you can see some Pokémon from past generations appearing as well, like Eevee or Absol.

( Edited 14.04.2012 09:18 by SirLink )

Danyal (guest) 14.04.2012#2

Finaly a POISON type gy leader. Love poison types. This is the team I hope she has
Scolipede,Seviper,Swalot and RoseradeSmilieSmilie

Hoping for a Dark Type Gym Leader.

Very weird to see a sequel to a game in the same Gen as it, so they may do some new things with it and it seems like most of the locations will be new ones. I'm guessing that at the game's conclusion the other half of Unova will be unfrozen and explorable like how Kanto was in Gen2.

Still kind of disappointed that the same old "two protags + rival and three starters" thing is returning. I liked that BW had two rivals ok.

Looking forward to it either way! Waah Pokémon.

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