Prepare for a Scare on Nintendo 3DS

By Adam Riley 13.04.2012 3

Prepare for a Scare on Nintendo 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Indulge in some spine tingling supernatural thrills this Summer as Nintendo and TECMO KOEI GAMES are set to launch Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir across Europe on 29th June. This terrifying Nintendo 3DS game uses the built-in 3D camera and augmented reality to exciting effect. Help free a girl named Maya from an evil curse - horror fans looking for something new must look no further.

In Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir, the lines between your reality and the in-game reality have been blurred like never before. In the Story Mode, you will move forward within the game by using Nintendo 3DS Camera as the ‘Camera Obscura’, a mysterious camera that is central to the Project Zero series, to film your actual environment. You must master the mysterious Camera Obscura and use its unique powers to uncover the mystery behind a strange diary and battle against spirits using both AR and the unique Nintendo 3DS Camera.

Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir is accompanied by a special AR Book known as the Purple Diary. You are the protagonist and are taken on an immersive supernatural journey that will utilise every facet of the Nintendo 3DS’s camera and Augmented Reality capabilities to scare you in brand new ways.  By using the Nintendo 3DS Camera and Augmented Reality functions to unlock the hidden content within each page of the Purple Diary, you can explore the mystery behind the diary and interact with 3D spirits who will either help or hurt you. Some spirits will even appear in the real world next to you and you can only see them by moving around your environment and looking through the Nintendo 3DS to find where they are lurking. Be careful because they might be behind you waiting to attack! Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir offers more than just an innovative story mode, there are a number of extra challenges and spooky mini games to master as well as unlocking the mysteries of the Purple Diary in story mode. The Spirit Check mode allows you to interact with your own face in the Purple Diary, after taking a photo of your face it will appear superimposed in the Purple Diary along with scary ghosts lurking in the environment. Spirit Challenge on the other hand assigns attributes such as Attack Power, Speed and HP to a picture of a face taken with the Nintendo 3DS camera allowing you to fight in a special version of a Story Mode battle. The Cursed Pages mode allows you to play through a collection of games using the Nintendo 3DS camera and the Purple Diary ranging from riddles to puzzles.

To master the Camera Obscura and battle cursed spirits in new and innovative ways then look no further than Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir for Nintendo 3DS launching on the 29th June. Also available this summer, Project Zero 2: Wii Edition is the latest terrifying addition to the Project Zero series coming exclusively to Wii also on 29th June.

Box art for Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir
Also known as

Shinrei Camera: Tsuiteru Techou


Tecmo Koei







C3 Score

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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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I picked this up today & it's pretty good so far, heard it was on the short side though. Nintendo needs to bring more of these kinds of games over.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

I would have preferred Fatal Frame IV, but thanks to Nintendo's Iwata reckoning console horror games don't work on 3DS (RE:R?), we'll never see that happening. He red lighted a 3DS port, in favour of this crap.

I'll be buying a PSVita soon.

Well your loss pal, it's not worth the price of admition & I know since I've owned one since launch.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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