Metal Slug 3 Explodes onto Wii Virtual Console

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.04.2012 2

Metal Slug 3 Explodes onto Wii Virtual Console on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Another SNK Neo-Geo gem will be nipping onto the Wii's Virtual Console service this month in Japan: Metal Slug 3.

A favourite amongst fans, the game was released back in 2000 for the Neo-Geo and has since had a slice of Nintendo love as part of Metal Slug Anthology. The original game is getting its own standalone release over in Japan though according to Siliconera, with a released penned for later in April.

The third in the now long-running series was the first to introduce branching paths within the levels, each with varying difficulty, plus a bizzare zombie infection and a slew of vehicles - including an elephant!

A Western release has yet to be confirmed.

Are you a fan of the series? Would you like to see more classics re-released or a new entry in the series for a Nintendo platform, 3DS perhaps?

Box art for Metal Slug 3

SNK Playmore


D4 Enterprise


Run and Gun



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YAAAAAAAY!!!...Is what I WOULD be saying if I didn't already own Metal Slug Anthology for Wii.Smilie

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Vorash Kadan said:
YAAAAAAAY!!!...Is what I WOULD be saying if I didn't already own Metal Slug Anthology for Wii.Smilie

lol ikr, every time I see a a report talking about Metal Slug being released on VC I always think about the anthology that has 7 Metal Slug games on it. Smilie

EDIT: Just thought about how it would be cheaper just to buy the anthology rather than buying the Metal Slugs that have been released on VC.

( Edited 10.04.2012 06:22 by J Tangle )

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