First Epic Mickey 3DS Screenshots - It's a 2D Affair

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.04.2012 6

First Epic Mickey 3DS Screenshots - It

Disney has revealed the first snaps of the 3DS Mickey game; a tribute to classic platformers starring the world's most popular mouse.

Disney Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion takes a slightly different approach to its bigger console brothers. Have a peak at the screenshots below and be invited into a classic 2D style world inspired by Sega Genesis title Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse. The 3DS outing returns to this fabled castle, which has now fallen into a wasteland in the Epic Mickey setup: a world filled with 80 years of forgotten Disney characters, theme park attractions and now video games.

Image for First Epic Mickey 3DS Screenshots - It

You'll be fending off classic villain from Castle of Illusion, Mizrabel who also ends up as in this vintage place. Use your brush to fend off this familiar face and save your fellow 'toons!

Despite the change in gameplay design, Mickey is still armed with a paint brush, and this lets players paint rough versions of objects on the touchscreen and pop these up to the top screen to become usable objects - much like the canon in Disney's example:

Image for First Epic Mickey 3DS Screenshots - It

What do you think of Power of Illusion? What do you think of the classic Mickey games?

Box art for Disney Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion





2D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (1 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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I do like the look of this. Mickey Mania was a game I grew up with and boy, was it hard. May have to replay Castle of Illusion since I never beat it, either. But the old Mickey games, and indeed a lot of platformers from the 8- and 16-bit days, were bloody good fun. It's great to see a return to his roots.

Following the style of the developer's previous games - like Henry Hatsworth as well Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Nintendoro (guest) 04.04.2012#3

disappointing looking game. I hope for Epic Mickey similar graphics. These look like Sega Genesis once

Nintendoro (guest) said:
disappointing looking game. I hope for Epic Mickey similar graphics. These look like Sega Genesis once

The pixellated sprites on top of the lovely-looking hand drawn backdrops make them look out of place. The Hook screenshot looks very nice, for example. If they went with high quality sprites it would look even better, but clearly they're purposely going with the Mega Drive style with this one. Should look better in motion.

I honestly prefer this look than to the Wii one.

I actually like this. the 3ds is more than capable of having a 3d title like the wii one, but then it would just be more of the same, not only that but i have strong ideas of what a portable games console should be, and this suits that more than its Wii's equal would. Same reason i feel the PSP dosn't really work as a portable console when the games are more designed for long, console gaming sessions.

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