N-Space on Working with Square-Enix, Hopes to Ressurect Geist

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.04.2012

N-Space on Working with Square-Enix, Hopes to Ressurect Geist on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

N-Space are currently working alongside Square Enix on a new RPG for 3DS. Just how was working with the Japanese studio on Heroes of Ruin?

In an interview with CVG, producer Tim Schwalk confessed that it was "extremely nerve-racking" working with Square Enix as publisher, however the RPG giant did teach the "importance of ensuring the user experience is great throughout" - with menus and controls being a strong priority during development.

Schwalk also revealed a desire to eventually...resurrect the cult GameCube gem, Geist. The first-person shooter for Nintendo's last-generation console was well received amongst critics, but had a fairly lukewarm reception in stores. "It's a dream of mine to revisit the franchise", he reveals, given that there were many ideas cut from the release that could weave their way into a sequel.

Finally Heroes of Ruin has been given a release date June 26 in North America according to IGN in a recent preview.

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