N64 Month | Nintendo 64 Quiz #2 - Test your Retro Knowledge, Earn Stars!

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.03.2012 11

Image for N64 Month | Nintendo 64 Quiz #2 - Test your Retro Knowledge, Earn Stars!

Fancy digging into the deepest regions of your memory and testing your Nintendo 64 knowledge? You can once again win up to 5 Cubed3 Stars in our second weekly quiz as part of Nintendo 64 month.

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What you can Win:

20 points: 5 stars
16-19 points: 4 stars
11-15 points: 3 stars
6-10 points: 2 stars
3-5 points: 1 star
0-2 points: 0 stars

N64 Month Quiz #2

1) How many controllers does the Nintendo 64 support?
Image for N64 Month | Nintendo 64 Quiz #2 - Test your Retro Knowledge, Earn Stars!

a) 2
b) 4
c) 8
d) 6

2) Nintendo released a series of coloured N64 consoles called...

Image for N64 Month | Nintendo 64 Quiz #2 - Test your Retro Knowledge, Earn Stars!

a) Funtastic Series
b) Artist Paks
c) Splash Zone
d) Color Collection 2000

3) Which of these is not a real Nintendo 64 game?

Image for N64 Month | Nintendo 64 Quiz #2 - Test your Retro Knowledge, Earn Stars!

a) Golden Nugget 64
b) Tigger's Honey Hunt
c) CyberTiger
d) Tonkatsu Warriors 64

4) Which of these games was the last to be published for the Nintendo 64 in the US?

Image for N64 Month | Nintendo 64 Quiz #2 - Test your Retro Knowledge, Earn Stars!

a) Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3
b) Conker's Bad Fur Day
c) Indy Racing 2000
d) Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine

5) Which of these movements could Mario not perform in Super Mario 64?

Image for N64 Month | Nintendo 64 Quiz #2 - Test your Retro Knowledge, Earn Stars!

a) Jump
b) Swim
c) Throw a fireball
d) Wall jump

6) Which of these wasn't a level in Super Mario 64?

Image for N64 Month | Nintendo 64 Quiz #2 - Test your Retro Knowledge, Earn Stars!

a) Creepy Cavern
b) Hazy Maze Cave
c) Whomp's Fortress
d) Wet Dry world

7) Who was a secret character in the original Super Smash Bros??

Image for N64 Month | Nintendo 64 Quiz #2 - Test your Retro Knowledge, Earn Stars!

a) Yoshi
b) Metal Mario
c) Captain Falcon
d) Samus

8) The viscous alien race in Perfect Dark were known as?

Image for N64 Month | Nintendo 64 Quiz #2 - Test your Retro Knowledge, Earn Stars!

a) Skedar
b) Cetan
c) Gholas
d) Schlop

9) Which of these games does the following screenshot originate from?

Image for N64 Month | Nintendo 64 Quiz #2 - Test your Retro Knowledge, Earn Stars!

a) Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
b) Star Wars: Episode I Racer
c) Battlezone: Rise of the Black Dogs
d) Lylat Wars

10) Which of these games does the following screenshot originate from?

Image for N64 Month | Nintendo 64 Quiz #2 - Test your Retro Knowledge, Earn Stars!

a) Army Men: Air Combat
b) Blast Corps
c) BattleTanx: Global Assault
d) Nuclear Strike 64

11) Which of these games does the following sound sample originate from?

a) Fighter's Destiny 2
b) Snowboard Kids
c) Donkey Kong 64
d) Beetle Adventure Racing

12) Which of these is not an item in Banjo Tooie?

Image for N64 Month | Nintendo 64 Quiz #2 - Test your Retro Knowledge, Earn Stars!

a) Cheato Pages
b) Springy Step Shoe
c) Ice Eggs
d) Golden Mitts

13)Which of the following is not actually a cancelled Nintendo 64 project?

Image for N64 Month | Nintendo 64 Quiz #2 - Test your Retro Knowledge, Earn Stars!

a) Grand Theft Auto
b) Mother
c) RiQa
d) Starcraft 64

14) Which of these is not a circuit in Diddy Kong Racing?

Image for N64 Month | Nintendo 64 Quiz #2 - Test your Retro Knowledge, Earn Stars!

a) Dino Valley
b) Walrus Cove
c) Frosty Village
d) Windmill Plains

15) Which one of these games is the odd one out?

Image for N64 Month | Nintendo 64 Quiz #2 - Test your Retro Knowledge, Earn Stars!

a) b) c) d)

16) Which Nintendo 64 game had the following advert?

Image for N64 Month | Nintendo 64 Quiz #2 - Test your Retro Knowledge, Earn Stars!

a) Pilotwings 64
b) Star Fox 64
c) Chopper Attack
d) Aerofighters Assault

17) Which of these games does the following sound sample originate from?

a) Turok 2: Seed of Evil
b) Perfect Dark
c) 007: The World is Not Enough
d) Resident Evil 2

18) Which of these is the odd one out?

Image for N64 Month | Nintendo 64 Quiz #2 - Test your Retro Knowledge, Earn Stars!

a) b) c) d)

19) Which of these games does the following screenshot originate from?

Image for N64 Month | Nintendo 64 Quiz #2 - Test your Retro Knowledge, Earn Stars!

a) Dark Rift
b) Dual Heroes
c) ClayFighter 63
d) Bio F.R.E.A.K.S.

20) Which of these games was never released in Europe?

Image for N64 Month | Nintendo 64 Quiz #2 - Test your Retro Knowledge, Earn Stars!

a) Rally Challenge 2000
b) Air Boarder 64
c) Operation: Winback
d) Olympic Hockey Nagano '98

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Only 13/20.

It was far more challenging this time. Smilie

Smilie It will only get harder! Good score Ross Smilie

I got 17 and I knew the answers LOL! I'll be very impressed if anyone gets 20 on this one Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

18 out of 20.. wow. Smilie

9/20, haha. :p So many games that I didn't play!

Our member of the week

Got 14/20. Ouch !

By the way, I got 18, 19 & 20 wrong. The outline was red, but the text read that I got the answer correct.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Got 16/20 on this one, 17/20 on the last one. It's definitely harder this time, I only knew about 8 or 9 for sure and the rest were some educated guesses and a few lucky guesses. The sound samples own me every. single. time. though...Smilie

( Edited 11.03.2012 15:40 by SirLink )

Only 8/20: 50% decrease from last time. I only knew about 4/5 of those.

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.

slid to 9/20 - the games are bit more obscure this time and I didn't have much luck with the questions I had to guess.

17/20, even though I did one point better than the last one, I thought this one was harder.

Good stuff guys! Look out for the last one of N64 Month for the hardest, most difficult one yet. Every question will be obscure. Bwhaha! - Bowser.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I got 20/20 =3. Got lucky on 19 and 20 though because I completely guessed them. XD

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