Sakurai-san Shares Nintendo 3DS Kid Icarus Updates

By Adam Riley 09.03.2012 9

Sakurai-san Shares Nintendo 3DS Kid Icarus Updates on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Kid Icarus: Uprising launches exclusively on Nintendo 3DS on 23rd March, 2012 and, in a first for Nintendo, new details about the game are being released direct to fans by game designer Masahiro Sakurai via a dedicated Twitter account.

Since the launch of the Kid Icarus: Uprising twitter feed on 22nd February, Mr. Sakurai has been revealing details about the young hero Pit; tips on how to move, aim and attack; how to defeat enemies such as Coral; and most importantly, the nine types of weapons including: Blades, Staves, Claws, Bows, Palms, Clubs, Cannons, Orbitars and Arms. Pit first appeared 25 years ago in the original Kid Icarus game (currently available on the Nintendo eShop) and most recently in Super Smash Bros. Brawl on Wii.

Mr. Sakurai will continue to release exclusive information in the run up to launch on @KidIcarusUK to stay up-to-date with the biggest title to launch on Nintendo 3DS in 2012. For other news from Nintendo please follow @NintendoUK.

Box art for Kid Icarus: Uprising








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (16 Votes)

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I'm still unsure about getting this. I think the flying sections look fantastic, but the ground sections just put me off. I'm still put off by the awkward and uncomfortable looking controls.

( Edited 23.11.2012 23:40 by Guest )

Marzy said:
I'm still unsure about getting this. I think the flying sections look fantastic, but the ground sections just put me off. I'm still put off by the awkward and uncomfortable looking controls.
Hopefully they'll release a demo for those like you who are on the fence about getting it. I've already preordered it and I'm just going to try the different control methods to see which works best for me. (Probably CPP + left-handed stylus controls) Either way, I'll get used to the controls and the game looks fantastic imo anyways. Smilie

Chris (guest) 10.03.2012#3

This game looks awesome, but I think the script could have been written a bit better. Pit stain, really? Hoping the stylus aiming doesn't wreck it. I'd rather go out and buy a circle pad pro. Now to play the waiting game. Smilie

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It reminds me more and more of Starfox Assault, the more I look at it. I wonder if that's a good sign...

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Chris (guest) said:
This game looks awesome, but I think the script could have been written a bit better. Pit stain, really? Hoping the stylus aiming doesn't wreck it. I'd rather go out and buy a circle pad pro. Now to play the waiting game. Smilie

The graphics and script kind of fit with a Saturday morning cartoon and it's the people who watch those who are probably the primary audience for the game(i.e. kids who don't know any better), so they probably won't care that it sounds really cheesy ha ha.

( Edited 10.03.2012 03:06 by Mr James2t3 )

Man, that is some awesome cheesy dialogue. Smilie Starting to have preorder-cancelling regret now...

Phoenixus said:
Man, that is some awesome cheesy dialogue. Smilie Starting to have preorder-cancelling regret now...

What, you cancelled your pre-order? Smilie Let me just ask this...



I actually really like the cheesy dialogue too since it's clearly intentional and fits the game. I still remember that "Calamari!!" line from an earlier trailer and think comments like that during the gameplay are pretty amusing in this case. Smilie

I am really excited for this game. I have only seen one trailer and that's all I'm going to see. I really want this to be a fresh game that I have not spoiled for myself. the combat looks like Kingdom Hearts style. If Nintendo release a demo that will be good, having a little taster before the game is out will be nice. Not getting on launch though.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

I LOVE cheesy dialogue in a game. It's the problem games these days have, most of them are too serious. The dialogue and voice acting reminds me of Lylat Wars (Star Fox 64 for you Americans) which is a good thing. Can't wait to play this. Looks amazing. Smilie

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