N64 Month | Nintendo 64 Quiz #1 - Test your Retro Knowledge, Earn Stars!

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.03.2012 20

Image for N64 Month | Nintendo 64 Quiz #1 - Test your Retro Knowledge, Earn Stars!

Fancy digging into the deepest regions of your memory and testing your Nintendo 64 knowledge? You can win up to 5 Cubed3 Stars!

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N64 Month Quiz #1

1) What was the Nintendo 64's code/project name called?
a) Project Reality
b) Project Dream
c) Project Revolution
d) Project PlayStation

2) Which of these was not a European launch game?

Image for N64 Month | Nintendo 64 Quiz #1 - Test your Retro Knowledge, Earn Stars!

a) Super Mario 64
b) Pilotwings 64
c) Turok: Dinosaur Hunter
d) Banjo Kazooie

3) Which of these is not a real Nintendo 64 game?
a) Glover
b) Rakugakids
c) Asteroids Hyper 64
d) Virtua Fighter 64

4) What was the name of the unsuccessful disk add-on for the Nintendo 64?
a) N-Drive
b) Nintendo 64DD
c) Nintendo Play
d) ND64

5) Which of these games does the following screenshot originate from?

Image for N64 Month | Nintendo 64 Quiz #1 - Test your Retro Knowledge, Earn Stars!
a) Mario Tennis
b) Mario Party
c) Mario Golf
d) Mario Kart 64

6) Nintendo launched the Rumble Pak with which of these games?
a) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
b) Star Fox 64/Lylat Wars
c) Banjo-Kazooie
d) Mario Party

7) Which of these characters is not a racer in Mario Kart 64?

Image for N64 Month | Nintendo 64 Quiz #1 - Test your Retro Knowledge, Earn Stars!
a) Koopa
b) Donkey Kong
c) Yoshi
d) Toad

8) What was the name of the final boss in Smash Bros?

Image for N64 Month | Nintendo 64 Quiz #1 - Test your Retro Knowledge, Earn Stars!
a) Bowser
b) Metal Mario
c) Crazy Hand
d) Master Hand

9) Which of these isn't a button on the Nintendo 64 controller?
a) R
b) Z
c) A
d) X

10) Which of these games does the following screenshot originate from?

Image for N64 Month | Nintendo 64 Quiz #1 - Test your Retro Knowledge, Earn Stars!

a) Diddy Kong Racing
b) Banjo Tooie
c) Donkey Kong 64
d) Beetle Adventure Racing

11) Which of these games does the following sound sample originate from?

a) Donkey Kong 64
b) Banjo Kazooie
c) Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
d) Mario Party 2

12) Which of these is not a level in Star Fox 64?
a) Sector X
b) Area 6
c) Hamlet
d) Macbeth

13) When grabbing all the stars in Super Mario 64, who would you meet upon the castle roof?

Image for N64 Month | Nintendo 64 Quiz #1 - Test your Retro Knowledge, Earn Stars!
a) Luigi
b) Boo
c) Yoshi
d) Toadsworth

14) Which of these is not a circuit in Mario Kart 64?

Image for N64 Month | Nintendo 64 Quiz #1 - Test your Retro Knowledge, Earn Stars!
a) Moo Moo Farm
b) Mario Raceway
c) Freezy Peak
d) Wario Stadium

15) Why did Peach invite Mario to her castle in Super Mario 64
a) A surprise birthday party
b) Bowser stole all the stars
c) Her paintings came alive
d) She baked a cake

16) Which Nintendo 64 game had the following advert?

Image for N64 Month | Nintendo 64 Quiz #1 - Test your Retro Knowledge, Earn Stars!
a) Super Smash Bros
b) Mario Party
c) Mario Golf
d) Mario Tennis

17) Which of these games does the following sound sample originate from?

a) Duke Nukem 64
b) Goldeneye 007
c) Perfect Dark
d) The World Is Not Enough

18) Which of these is the odd one out?

Image for N64 Month | Nintendo 64 Quiz #1 - Test your Retro Knowledge, Earn Stars!
a) b) c) d)

19) Which of these games does the following screenshot originate from?

Image for N64 Month | Nintendo 64 Quiz #1 - Test your Retro Knowledge, Earn Stars!
a) FIFA '99
b) Premier Manager 64
c) International Superstar Soccer 98
d) FIFA: Road to World Cup 98

20) The voice of Princess Peach in Super Mario 64 was also the Senior Editor of which magazine?
a) Edge
b) GamesMaster
c) Nintendo Power
d) Game Informer

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17/20 from the top of my head. Smilie

I got 20/20. =3

15/20 for me. I guessed the ones I wasn't so sure about, so yeah. Smilie Some I had completely forgotten and thought they were something else. Still got the football game question right though. xD

16/20 for me - the ones I got wrong were related to games I don't/didn't own so I was a bit unlucky not to have guessed one right!

16/20 Not bad seeing as I didn't own one until into the life of the GameCube Smilie And I resisted the urge to use Google!

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Would have had 16, if I could enter Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

16/20 sound bites, 18 and10 got me

I only managed 12/20. I don't mind too much, the N64 was the Nintendo console I never had (I don't know why)!

Not too bad... Got 19/20. Just got question #17 wrong.Smilie

Good stuff folks Smilie Nice scores! What sorts of questions would you like to see in future quizzes - more/less sound and screenshot ones?

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

15/20, good quiz, like it Smilie

18/20... The second sound question got me a did the football game. I do not play football games.

18/20, didn't know 17/19. Smilie Tough quiz! ^_^

Curses I only got 13 out of 20, well I gotta say it's not half bad considering this is a quiz outside my own regeon AND I couldn't get the audio files to play so I just guessed. Still 3 stars are nice. Smilie

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

I got 20/20 without cheating.

@jb - I'd love this to become a monthly feature of C3, having quizzes based on different games/series/developers. Could bring some more members here. I hate that we get a shit ton of guests, but none of them ever sign up, haha. Smilie

16/20 I thought I was gonna get the second one wrong, since I don't live in Europe, then I thought, duh, Banjo-Kazooie came out waaaaaaay later.

Mush123 said:
@jb - I'd love this to become a monthly feature of C3, having quizzes based on different games/series/developers. Could bring some more members here. I hate that we get a shit ton of guests, but none of them ever sign up, haha. Smilie

I *think* we used to do quizzes, I vaguely remember during the early days of C3 - I agree, we should do them regularly Smilie At least once a month after N64 month methinks!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
Grimreaper (guest) 19.03.2012#19

I did this anonymously, but I can say that some of these questions the answer you click, and the answer it said you click is different sometimes.

Sometimes the image is off to the side of the letter to far which confused me on one answer ( I thought an image didn't load).

I did pretty good considering though.
16/20 from the top of my head.

I got 13/20. Not bad considering there were a few that I was not sure about.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

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