N64 Month | Nintendo 64 Turns 15 in Europe - A Month of Celebrations

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.03.2012 11

N64 Month | Nintendo 64 Turns 15 in Europe - A Month of Celebrations on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

On this day fifteen years ago gamers across the sunny shores of Europe let their CDs simmer to a stop and once again embraced cartridge-based gaming with the release of one of Nintendo's most loved home consoles, the sublime Nintendo 64.

The curvy multiplayer beast was the company's first steps into a world dominated by polygons and 3D. With it, a host of classic franchises and inventing many new ways to play and engage with what's on screen. Despite being discontinued and replaced many moons ago, the N64 still remains a key era amongst gamers, a unique basket of pure, untainted 3D action that served as a foundation for many more modern gameplay and control conventions.

Introducing Nintendo 64 Month

To celebrate, March 2012 is N64 Month here at your favourite Nintendo hideout. We'll be delivering a continual stream of features, articles and fond favourites!

You can get involved too! Be sure to share your memories of the N64, your favourite games and submit your fan-art.

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Awesome. I love the N64. Nintendo's best home console, in my opinion. Gotta say though - why is Samus there in the picture? There was never a Metroid game on N64.

Our member of the week

She was in Super Smash Bros. (that's where the artwork comes from too, you can tell from her cartooney look)

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I came home after school, my older brothers already had opened the console and set it up on the TV and were playing Mario 64. I was shocked, after just having sold the SNES (i know, shame on me) we had a brand new, upgraded Nintendo console. It was a great console, many great moments I've had enjoying single player games and with friends on multiplayer games such as GoldenEye 64 and Mario Kart 64. Still can't believe it has been 15 years, doesn't feel that long ago.

The first time I played on a N64 was at my cousins. It was Mario64 and we had a lot of fun with the Penguin slide.

My brother and me decided to sell our SNES + games to get enough money for a N64. We bought it in Germany because it was cheaper there. Because it wasn't quite as cheap as we had hoped/heard, we didn't have enough money for Mario64... Luckily our uncle and dad bought the game for us. Hehe, I think it was a surprise too! We thought we had bought a console without a game, until we got home. (Pretty cruel actually...)

Our second game... Diddy Kong Racing?
I also played some Turok at a friend ("The box says the N64 and Turok are made for eachother, it's that good!"). Those were the first games I played on it. It was so awesome...

And later started the Golden Eye / Perfect Dark era. Smilie

Great MP console, I loved it

Still got a boxed one ready to use one day.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

My favourite console of all-time.

I loved the art-deco / Flash Gordon-esque look to the console and I still think the controller great.

It got some great updates (Pilotwings 64, F-Zero X, Doom 64) and also started some great new series too (Smash Bros, Mario Party, 1080, Waverace, Mario Tennis&Golf).

Being a puzzle head I really appreciated Wetrix and Tetrisphere but Mario 64 was the first game I got and that sense of wonder has been hard to get back until the mighty Mario Galaxy appeared.

Pity about the dodgy early PAL ports and there was no RGB but s-video is pretty good.

Still have mine with a load of CIB games including oddities like Mischief Makers and Mystical Ninja 2....

( Edited 02.03.2012 13:40 by davyK )

Ahhh. I have so many fond memories of the N64. I remember beating OoT before my dad and being very happy about it. I must've been... 6? He helped a little but I still managed to beat it. Smilie

Super Mario 64, Banjo Kazooie, Banjo Tooie, Lylat Wars... so many good games. Not to mention the critically acclaimed Superman 64! (Just kidding, I've never played it.)

Does anyone else remember smooth talking Gecko, also known as Gex? Smilie
I loved Gex, I wish they would revive the franchise with a new game.

EDIT: Forgot to mention Smash Bros. HOW ON EARTH DID I FORGET THAT? I remember when me and my dad used to play Smash Bros. together, it was a lot of fun.

( Edited 02.03.2012 12:01 by Mush123 )

davyK said:
Being a puzzle head I really appreciated Wetrix and Tetrisphere but Mario 64 was the first game I got and that sense of wonder has been hard to get back until the mighty Mario Galaxy appeared.

Please tell me you had Pokémon Puzzle League as well?

SO damn addictive! Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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jesusraz said:
Please tell me you had Pokémon Puzzle League as well?

SO damn addictive! Smilie

yep - have that too - how could I have forgotten that one!!. Have Tetris Attack on SNES and Panel de Pon is part of the Japanese only Puzzle Collection for Gamecube - 4 player option in that - well worth picking up.

The N64 version of Bust-a-move 3 and the New Tetris had 4 player options too....

( Edited 02.03.2012 20:25 by davyK )

Our member of the week

Bust-a-Move 3/Puzzle Bobble 3 is one of my favourite puzzle games ever Smilie. Never got the chance to buy it for N64 though.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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