American Wii owners pining for a release of the critically acclaimed RPG The Last Story can rest easy. It's coming!
As part of today's Nintendo Direct announcements, the North American arm confirmed an eventual release, with XSEED jumping into the publisher's seat. It marks the second Wii-exclusive title that had previously been continually denied for localisation, however with popularity soaring through the fan-driven Project Rainfall, Nintendo have decided to grant the game life in the US.
Developed by leading Japanese outfit Mistwalker and headed by the creator of Final Fantasy, the project is due out in Europe this week, and we're very much excited to once again be lured into a action-packed world on Wii, packed to the brim with traditional RPG mastery and a tantalising storyline.
Together, these two games level up the excitement for RPG fans in America. Whether roaming the vast landscape of Xenoblade Chronicles or choosing crossbows to battle with or against companions in The Last Story, gamers will recognize these titles as benchmarks for the genre.Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime
A specific release date has yet to be confirmed, however The Last Story is on track to invade homes before the end of 2012.