Sakurai Begins Work on New Smash Bros for Wii U and 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.02.2012 33

Sakurai Begins Work on New Smash Bros for Wii U and 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The face and leader behind the Super Smash Bros franchise, Masahiro Sakurai, has started his research on the new games.

Announced for both 3DS and Wii U last year, the much loved blend of Nintendo characters in the fighting ring has been put neatly to one side in favour of finishing Kid Icarus: Uprising.

With Sakurai's team completing their efforts on the 3DS action epic, time has finally come to ponder how to build on the success of the previous Super Smash Bros games.

Sakurai tweeted earlier today that as part of the preliminary work into the new games, he's been browsing the meaty Smash Bros Dojo website. The page, previously available in multiple languages, once hosted a tonne of daily information, videos and teasers to build hype for the eventual release of Brawl on the Wii.

However, what's the word... it's tremendous. How did we make this?

So Sakurai, his team will now seek out other developers to help put together two new Smash Bros projects, each with the different hardware in mind. Exciting times!

What would you like to see in the next installments for 3DS and Wii U? How should Nintendo improve on the format defined in Brawl and Melee?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Bandai Namco







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Mii: Bob (guest) 27.03.2012#26

There are several things I would like to see in the new Super Smash Bros. First, I'd like to see customizable things for the 3DS that can be uploaded to the Wii U version. Here's the list:

- Character coloration. You know how in past titles you can play as the generic character (i.e. pink Kirby), but you can also be color variations (i.e. green Kirby)? I think it would be awesome to color your own character.
- Stage builder. This was in Brawl. I would love an upgraded version of this for the 3DS and upload to the Wii U. For example, you can take a pitchure on the 3DS and place it as the background for the stage.
- Music downloader. Wouldn't it be nice to have your own music in Smash Bros.? You can upload it from the music on the 3DS.
- Music on stage customization. I think it would be nifty to choose the music on each stage instead of just changing the likely hood of it being played on the stage, like what they did in Brawl.

Thanks to those who read this. Now, here are is a good balance of playable characters that I'd choose for the game:

- Mario (Mario Series)
- Luigi (Mario Series)
- Peach (Mario Series)
- Daisy (Mario Series)
- Bowser (Mario Series)
- Bowser Jr. (Mario Series)
- Dr. Mario (Mario Series)
- Wario (Wario Series)
- Donkey Kong (DK Series)
- Diddy Kong (DK Series)
- Dixie Kong (DK Series)
- King K. Rool (DK Series)
- Yoshi (Yoshi's Island)
- Baby Mario & Baby Luigi (Yoshi's Island)
- Olimar (Pikmin)
- Louie (Pikmin)
- Link (Legend of Zelda)
- Toon Link (Legend of Zelda)
- Zelda/Sheik (Legend of Zelda)
- Toon Zelda/Tetra (Legend of Zelda)
- Ganondorf (Legend of Zelda)
- Samus/Zero Suit Samus (Metroid)
- Pit (Kid Icarus)
- R.O.B. (Nintendo)
- Kirby (Kirby Series)
- Meta Knight (Kirby Series)
- King Dedede (Kirby Series)
- Starfy (Starfy Series)
- Fox (Star Fox Series)
- Falco (Star Fox Series)
- Wolf (Star Fox Series)
- Krystal (Star Fox Series)
- Captain Falcon (F-Zero Series)
- T. Rex (Fossil Fighters)
- Ice Climbers (Ice Climber)
- Mr. Game & Watch (Game & Watch Gallery)
- Pikachu (Pok'emon)
- Pok'emon Trainer (Johto) (Pok'emon)
- Cyndaquil
- Croconaw
- Meganium
- Jigglypuff (Pok'emon)
- Plusle & Minun (Pok'emon)
- Meowth (Pok'emon)
- Mewtwo (Pok'emon)
- Lucario (Pok'emon)
- Zoroark (Pok'emon)
- Ness (EarthBond)
- Lucas (EarthBond)
- Marth (Fire Emblem)
- Roy (Fire Emblem)
- Mega-Man (Mega-Man Series)
- Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic Series)
- "Tails" Prower (Sonic Series)
- Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Series)
- Solid Snake (Metal Gear)
- Grey Fox (Metal Gear)
- Mii (Nitendo 3DS)
- Random

Mpnagem89 (guest) 06.04.2012#27

I can't wait for Super Smash Bros. 4

ROBLOX (guest) 26.04.2012#28

Here's some interesting news. It won't come out until 2014.

Brendantaco2 (guest) 29.04.2012#29

Sorry to say, but that can't happen as he is a clone of Mario with slightly a edited moveset. Plus, he was only a guest character for Melee.

EpicDewottFan (guest) 29.04.2012#30

These charaters should be in:

Unova Pokemon Trainer [Tepig,Dewott, Serperior]
Mega Man
Nyan Cat [LOL]

These characters should NOT be in:

Peppy Hare
Klink and its evolutions
Dramatic Prarie Dog [LOL]

Lucas The Great Ludacris (guest) 05.06.2012#31

Smilie Smilie Damn it!
I said Dr. Eggman and Ridly shall not become characters, Smilie though they would be great bosses...

Smash fan (guest) 05.06.2012#32

i would love to see just more than they had. honestly,Toon link was just a smaller version of link. i think one of them is enough. so i would love to see diversity,and maybe a few 3rd party characters,like oh idk......GENO!!!Smilie maybe even more modes and another adventure mode like they had. and i especially don't want any delays bugged me badly when they did that �_�

Omni (guest) 27.07.2012#33

YES! YES! OH YES! FINALLY! I cannot wait!

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