Nintendo 3DS Tops Japan in January

By Adam Riley 06.02.2012 4

Nintendo 3DS Tops Japan in January on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo's killer trio of 3DS games topped the Japanese charts for the month of January, according to data compiled by popular publication Famitsu. Sitting pretty at the top of the list was Mario Kart 7, with nearly 400,000 copies sold over the four-week period, whilst following close behind were Capcom's Monster Hunter 3G with around 320,000 sales and Super Mario 3D Land in third with just shy of 300,000 copies sold.

Check out the full Top 10 for the month:

Famitsu Top 10, January 2012 (26th December, 2011 - 29th January, 2012
1.) Mario Kart 7 (3DS, Nintendo) - 388,760 | 1,471,151
2.) Monster Hunter 3G (3DS, Capcom) - 319,037 | 1,128,359
3.) Super Mario 3D Land (3DS, Nintendo) - 298,529 | 1,341,040
4.) Armored Core V (PS3, From Software) - 170,237 | NEW
5.) Resident Evil: Revelations (3DS, Capcom) - 160,575 | NEW
6.) Warriors Orochi 3 (PS3, Koei Tecmo) - 158,775 | 369,328
7.) Inazuma Eleven Go: Shine / Dark (3DS, Level 5) - 145,436 | 377,488
8.) Just Dance Wii (Wii, Nintendo) - 97,848 | 525,722
9.) Final Fantasy XIII-2 (PS3, Square Enix) - 97,359 | 794,505
10.) Super Robot Wars OG Saga: Masou Kishin II - Revelation of Evil God (PSP, Bandai Namco Games) - 95,621 | NEW

Also of note is how well both Level-5's latest Inazuma Eleven games are holding up, as well as the Nintendo-published edition of Just Dance on Wii.

Box art for Mario Kart 7








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Our member of the week

Seeing as there's a new OG saga game coming out on PSP in Japan, I wish the Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Infinite Frontier games on DS would come out in Europe, especially the EXCEED one :/. But with the DS being on its way out, it seems unlikely I guess (a shame too, considering Monolith Soft worked on those)

( Edited 06.02.2012 22:58 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I think it already came out, to be honest, and didn't do too much more than the DS games...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses
Our member of the week

I should have said "just came out", yeah, since I was obviously talking about the one sitting in the top 10 above Smilie.

First Infinite Frontier game on DS came out in North America, but I'm having trouble tracking down a copy of it at the moment. Prices can be fairly high for this one.

( Edited 06.02.2012 23:06 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Oh yeah Smilie

Smilie That was me not reading the list properly!!

It's a shame Atlus doesn't have a European arm. Apparently they charge FAR too much for licensing out the translations, which is why so many games get left behind Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

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