New Kid Icarus: Uprising Single Player Details

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.01.2012 3

New Kid Icarus: Uprising Single Player Details on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has outlined new details and confirmed a European release date for the eagerly anticipated Kid Icarus: Uprising.

The action packed adventure, the first in the series for over two decades, finds Nintendo's famous angel Pit heading up against the devious Queen of the Underworld Medusa and her numerous underlings - combat foes in the air, land in in the deepest caves.

Nintendo's revealed a few new details in the build up to the European release on March 23rd 2012.

  • Aside from Pit's regular Bow, there'll be 9 different categories of weapons to unlock - including Divine Bows, Shot Claws, each armed with their own unique characteristics suitable for the numerous obstacles in his way.
  • Vehicles - alongside his meaty arsenal, Pit also has access to a number of vehicles - including a tank. Lucky boy!
  • A difficulty meter, known as Fiend's Cauldron, is a nifty new feature that lets players define how challenging each chapter will be - from 0 to 9.0.
  • The Cauldron starts at 2.0 from default and can be raised/lowered by 0.1 increments - the higher you go, the tougher the experience will be, but the rewards will of course be greater.
  • To increase the intensity however, players will need to place a number of hearts into the Fiend’s Cauldron. If you can't complete a Chapter, hearts will be lost and intensity lowered.

The European release will also come with the previously mentioned 3DS stand as standard, and retain compatability with the optional Circle Pad Pro.

Box art for Kid Icarus: Uprising








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Well NOOOOW I get why the US didn't get the 3D classics Kid Icarus, clever Nintendo...

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Vorash Kadan said:
Well NOOOOW I get why the US didn't get the 3D classics Kid Icarus, clever Nintendo...

..Wait, I still don't. What did I miss? Smilie

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SuperLink said:
Vorash Kadan said:
Well NOOOOW I get why the US didn't get the 3D classics Kid Icarus, clever Nintendo...

..Wait, I still don't. What did I miss? Smilie
Because certain American retailers will be giving away a code for 3D Classics Kid Icarus when you preorder Uprising.

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