Konami Blows up Hudson, Pair to Bonk Together

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.01.2012 5

Konami Blows up Hudson, Pair to Bonk Together on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Bomberman and Bonk creators Hudson will be completely absorbed by Konami this year, with franchises living on.

The Japanese publisher lapped up Hudson back in April last year, with the reputable studio shifting focus towards mobile games. After a decade of slowly integrating Hudson, the honeybee studio is now completely one with Konami in an effort to allocate resources into one sole company rather than Konami with a slice for Hudson.

On a more positive note, reports suggest that Hudson as a group will still keep some form of name/branding, with IPs like Bomberman etc set to continue, with the official studio site still remaining active.

Via Nintendo World Report.

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Hope Konami doesn't ruin the Hudson franchises.

Jman (guest) 19.01.2012#2

EdEN said:
Hope Konami doesn't ruin the Hudson franchises.

Ruin them how? Hudson hasn't made a decent game since the Turbografx era. Even then, games like Bonk and Adventure Island haven't stood the test of time at all.

I've been genuinely worried for a long time that Bomberman was completely dead.. so I guess this is good news?

I really miss Bomberman okay adsfkjla ; -;

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Kane (guest) 19.01.2012#4

Bring back classic Bomberman! I bet Konami will force a new and more violent Bomberman. Terrorist man or something

Hopefully this means a revival for Bomberman. Although, who knows what Konami would do with the franchise. Capcom did alright I suppose.

The thing that's so sad is that Hudson is one of the oldest game developers around. The first Bomberman came out in '83.

I also disagree that they haven't made good games. Sure it's been a long time, but not a Turbografx long time. Bomberman 64 was great, and so were the early Mario Party games. They've definitely put out a lot of stinkbombs since then, but I actually really enjoy Bomberman Ultra on PSN.

Nevertheless, Konami is a wonderful company when it comes to making cool games, and they have also been doing it for a while, so it'll be interesting to see what they do with Hudson... if anything.

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