Free 3DS Table Stand with Kid Icarus

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.01.2012 14

Free 3DS Table Stand with Kid Icarus on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The 3DS maybe a touch tricky to hold for longer sessions, so Nintendo is including a free stand with Kid Icarus: Uprising.

Director and cheerful chap Masahiro Sakurai​ confirmed earlier this week that the fallen angel's latest adventure will ship with a folding piece of plastic to prop your console onto whilst playing games that may require a more stable base. It'll also help with the precision needed for stylus based aiming, plus support left-handed players when using the Circle Pad Pro.

Image for Free 3DS Table Stand with Kid Icarus

The accessory has been confirmed for Japan and North America so far, and will likely be available in Europe as well.

Box art for Kid Icarus: Uprising








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Irfy said:


It's free.. and it's optional. They're just thinking about the people who could get cramp after holding the 3DS in one hand for a long period of time. Jeez, why do people get so worked up over free stuff? They aren't forcing you to use it.

All this and... it hasn't been confirmed for Europe... yet. Smilie

hunger (guest) 14.01.2012#3

Another headline that highlights Nintendo's constant failure. All
Nintendo hardware cramps except the Wiimote, the only thing they've gotten right. That and I guess the gba


potatopeelerman (guest) 14.01.2012#5

It's free! Why complain? If unused it can be used as a sex toy for dolls.

silver (guest) 14.01.2012#6

looks useful for netflix too!

If it helps people who get cramps when playing the 3ds then it's good, personally I wont use it because my hands are made out of steel or something lol

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
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The Virtual Boy was portable, too, I guess.

Nintendo would've been better off making a game that isn't seriously uncomfortable to play (either by changing the control layout for the game or the 3DS itself a few years ago). Maybe this kind of game would be better left for the WiiU.

It's free, though, so whatever. As long as this doesn't become the norm, I'm fine with this band-aid.

( Edited 14.01.2012 22:11 by TAG )

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

Yes, something to rest my iPad on!


and I stick by my first post. It's optional and free, Sakurai isn't going to hold a knife to your throat if you don't use it. Or anyone else affiliated with Nintendo, for that matter. Smilie

People complain too much.

( Edited 15.01.2012 00:22 by Mush123 )

TAG said:

Nintendo would've been better off making a game that isn't seriously uncomfortable to play.

The stand is added convenience and completely optional. Why all the complaints all of a sudden now?

So many games have had this control scheme...for over 7 years now.

HCI issue which they haven't really thought about since the launch of the DS.

Brutus (guest) 15.01.2012#13

I work Sakurai yes he says if you not use it you fail ok?

Shut up Brutus, trolls are forbidden here. Go back to 4chan or, you're more welcome there.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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