A new scan has surfaced which reveals more sub-characters that can be unlocked and played as in Square Enix's 3DS rhythm game, Theatrhythm Final Fantasy.
On top of the characters revealed last month from the odd-numbered FF games, this month sees the exposing of fighters from the even-numbered titles.
The following characters are revealed:
Ashe (FFXII)
Yuna (FFX)
Seifer (FFVIII)
Locke (FFVI)
Rydia (FFIV)
Minwu (FFII)
This takes the total number of confirmed playable characters so far to 26.
Xande (FFIII), Gilgamesh and Safer Sephiroth (FFVII) are also shown, though these are likely to just be enemies in the game.
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy is releasing on February 16th next year in Japan.