November 2011 Podcast | Nintendo Finances, Sonic Wii U, Christmas Recommendations

By Adam Riley 22.11.2011 11

November 2011 Podcast | Nintendo Finances, Sonic Wii U, Christmas Recommendations on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

This month's Nintendo podcast from Cubed3 serves up thoughts on various topics, with news updates, discussions on the latest games, and a special treat in the form of a look at what gamers should think of buying as the festive holiday period draws ever closer.

Featuring Ross Marrs, Mike Mason and Rudy Lavaux on the live chat, accompanied by Aaron Elias and Adam Riley for the Christmas Recommendations section.

Produced by Ross Marrs.

Image for November 2011 Podcast | Nintendo Finances, Sonic Wii U, Christmas Recommendations

News and Events

00:01:00 - Nintendo's financial loss
00:01:54 - Wii U and Sonic Dimensions rumour, Nintendo helping out 3rd Party developers?
00:06:36 - Bad news to good news, 3DS firmware update!
00:10:21 - StreetPass updates make Mike happy
00:15:08 - New eShop games
00:23:19 - A game that Ross actually likes?!

This Month's Hot Topic

00:27:08 - Ross describes his thoughts on Sonic Colours
00:29:06 - Sonic didn't used to be about speed?
00:30:08 - Sonic vs Mario, back to the 90s
00:34:45 - Back on-topic, Mike undecided on Sonic Colours
00:37:04 - Cut-scenes and voice acting
00:37:34 - Sonic games have good music, Akon remix not so much...

Question of the Month

00:38:29 - Christmas recommendation guide introduction
00:39:07 - C3 staff share their Christmas recommendations

If listening via Cubed3 is not an option, be sure to simply download the podcast right here [ Right-Click, Save-As ]

As always, be sure to share your questions, thoughts and feedback on this issue, plus what you would like to see in the next instalment!

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Ross, fantastic choice - Wave Race 64 is absolutely AMAZING! Never played Streets of Rage, so will have to look into that one more, though. Thanks Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

jesusraz said:
Ross, fantastic choice - Wave Race 64 is absolutely AMAZING! Never played Streets of Rage, so will have to look into that one more, though. Thanks Smilie
The Streets of Rage games are fantastic, definitely check them out. Smilie

I agree with Mike, Sonic 2 has to be one of my favourite Sonic games. I would have to say I like Mario more than Sonic, but if we were talking about the classic games, it'd probably be pretty equal.

Loved the Mario vs. Sonic section, made me laugh.

Overall, great podcast. Really looking forward to next month's one.

( Edited 23.11.2011 08:59 by Mush123 )

Our member of the week

That Jewels of the ages game sounds good Adam Smilie. It's exactly the kind of game she likes. I actually already pondered getting her Jewels of the Tropical Lost Island but was a bit put off by the price asked for it when I saw it (40€ for a puzzle game, ouch !), but the "ages" one looks like an even more valuable package so if the price is right, I might get it Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

JotA is well worth it. I actually had trouble tearing it away from my wife in order to review it! She is definitely NOT into gaming normally, but for this she got addicted and actually completed the Ancient Pharaohs side.

Polarium Advance is a game I'd recommend to anyone with the ability to still play GBA games. Truly masterful puzzle title from Mitchell, and the same company has Wakugumi: Monochrome Puzzles and Sujin Taisen: Number Battles on DSiWare that are must-buys. Clearly PANG: Magical Michael is a firm favourite on DS as well Smilie Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses
Our member of the week

Pang Magical Michael involves shooting balloons, right ? Because it reminds me of Super Pang in the Arcades, which I played the SNES port of, Super Buster Bros. . I'm not sure she'd like it, as she's not at all into games that involve shooting things (too many frustrating memories playing Space Invaders on the Atari 2600 I think Smilie)

Polarium, I would need to have her try it first (I tried a similar homebrew game copying the concept on my GP2X Wiz).

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Polarium really gets the mind working! Picross DS and Picross 3D are very impressive as well - just remembered those now! The DS is amazing for on-the-go puzzle titles Smilie

EDIT: Yes, PANG: MM is the successor to Super Pang / Super Buster Bros., but without the little kids. It's a magician now - voiced by me! Smilie

( Edited 23.11.2011 21:30 by jesusraz )

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses
Our member of the week

jesusraz said:
PANG: MM is the successor to Super Pang / Super Buster Bros., but without the little kids. It's a magician now - voiced by me! Smilie

I remembered reading something along those lines on Cubed3 in the past. Didn't believe it the first time 'round though. Or is it an inside joke on C3 that I have yet to learn about Smilie ?

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

No joke! Just listen to my voice on the podcast and then listen to Magical Michael:



This is me doing a voice again for Ragged Edge on Samsung Galaxy:



( Edited 23.11.2011 21:50 by jesusraz )

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses
Our member of the week

Haha, brilliant Smilie ! I would have never recognized it in Ragged Edge though. The latter looks like a nice game too btw.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Nice podcast guys! Still listening to it at uni Smilie

Just a suggestion though, Reduce your voice volume Ross, and increase the overall voice volume as Mike and Rudy sound fairly quiet - especially when music is playing.

The problem with increasing the volume is that it brings out the noise even more.

The music section on Mike's Mario & Sonic part is rather loud and it over powered his voice. No idea why, but it sounded okay in editing. I made the music lower in volume so you could hear his voice over it. Maybe I accidentally altered it and got mixed up.

Thanks for all the feedback and comments.

( Edited 24.11.2011 17:00 by Marzy )

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