Metroid II Returns on 3DS Virtual Console

By Az Elias 21.11.2011 14

Metroid II Returns on 3DS Virtual Console on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Samus Aran's second game came out on the Game Boy in 1992 on our continent. Nintendo have today announced that the classic Metroid II: Return of Samus will once again be released in Europe when it becomes available for purchase on the Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console this week.

Update: The game will also be arriving on the North American 3DS Virtual Console on the same date!

Nintendo UK website game description:

The Game Boy's exclusive chapter in the Metroid series sees Samus Aran on a mission to rid planet SR388 of the Metroid menace.

Battle through a sprawling underworld, seeking out every last Metroid, and build up your arsenal by discovering mysterious artefacts.

Enjoy new abilities like the Spider Ball, and powerful new weapons like the Plasma Beam, as you attempt to eradicate the Metroids once and for all.

Metroid II will be released on November 24th, available for purchase on the Nintendo eShop and priced at £3.60 (€4.00).

Image for Metroid II Returns on 3DS Virtual Console
Image for Metroid II Returns on 3DS Virtual Console
Image for Metroid II Returns on 3DS Virtual Console
Image for Metroid II Returns on 3DS Virtual Console

Will any of our readers be grabbing Metroid II this week?

Box art for Metroid II: Return of Samus








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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Metroid II will be released on November 24th, available for purchase on the Nintendo eShop and priced at £3.60 (€4.00).
My Birthday... Birthday present, anyone? Smilie

I never played this before and I loved what bit I played of the first Metroid on the NES. I'll probably get this, it'll actually give me an incentive to finish off Metroid for the 3DS VC. Smilie (Ambassador Game)

I still remember the day I spotted this in a shop and asked my dad to get it. I'd already got Super Metroid on SNES at the time and as soon as I saw Samus on the box I wanted it desperately. So thankful for him buying it :]

Metroid II was true to the Metroid formula in every sense. No huge map to check where you were and completely non-linear. Pretty damn hard too. I can imagine nowadays some people might find it hard to get in to, but if you're a fan of the Metroid games, it offers a great experience.

Ahh yay! Not that great but the only Metroid game I somehow don't have, so will probably be getting this.

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The only Metroids I haven't played are Metroid II and Other M. Oh and that remake of 1, if that counts.

Our member of the week

Will any of our readers be grabbing Metroid II next week?

November 24th is hardly next week. That's this Thursday.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

YES! Finally! I've been hoping this game would come out soon. So many memories! Smilie

"You make me want to play Russian Roulette with a glock. By myself."

Kafei2006 said:
Will any of our readers be grabbing Metroid II next week?

November 24th is hardly next week. That's this Thursday.

So it is! Time is flying right by me at the moment.

OMG!! Smilie Someone please tell me it's hitting the US 3DS eShop soon, too! Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

MechaG2 said:
OMG!! Smilie Someone please tell me it's hitting the US 3DS eShop soon, too! Smilie

Just done some searching, and it sounds like this is coming to the US eShop on the same day! Gonna try to find official confirmation and edit it into the article.

Azuardo said:
MechaG2 said:
OMG!! Smilie Someone please tell me it's hitting the US 3DS eShop soon, too! Smilie

Just done some searching, and it sounds like this is coming to the US eShop on the same day! Gonna try to find official confirmation and edit it into the article.

EEEEEEPIC!! Smilie I can't wait! Thanks, Azuardo. Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Yeah, I couldn't find an official press release but a ton of other sites have reported it's coming to the US VC, and it's been added to GameFAQs database as Nov 24th too. A great day for us all!

Just checked out the Metroid 2 fan remake as well, and it looks awesome. Would be great if Nintendo did that.

I guess this is the closest we'll get to a Metroid 25th Anniversary game. Smilie

Ifrit XXII said:
I guess this is the closest we'll get to a Metroid 25th Anniversary game. Smilie

You know, they might yet do something for next year. They've focused on Zelda this year, so maybe now they'll give us something Metroid in 2012? We can only hope.

Our member of the week

3DS ambassadors are still supposed to be getting the GBA games before the end of this year, including Metroid Fusion.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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