Zelda Medley Takes on the Violin Form

By Calum Peak 17.11.2011 10

Zelda Medley Takes on the Violin Form on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Those of you eagerly awaiting your copy of Zelda: Skyward Sword will no doubt be familiar with the soundtracks of games past. But what happens when you take it one step further? That's exactly what Lindsey Stirling has done in a violin medley that spans many of the series epic tracks in this brilliant tribute to the green capped. Check it out below!


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all I can say is wow and I mean that in a good awsome vid

That is one crazy woman. I love it. Smilie (And so flexible too! Smilie )

(Not sure if this is awkward, but how old do you think she is? It's a bit hard to judge from 1 video, but I'm guessing 26.

Hee, she was in blue so i kept expecting 3 other links to pop out, red green and purple, i unno, i guess green had the camera, red had the boom mic, and purple was somewhere fucking with the rod of seasons :B

superjva (guest) 18.11.2011#4

Dude i don't care how old she is she is so beutiful, her dance is gorgeous and she gotta love the legend of Zelda I would so marry her no lie

She's 25 Smilie

Yay, good guess! Smilie

I just love this video she must be a true zelda fan man this an awsome video you go girl you rock rock on sister


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Wow she's incredible Smilie that's the dream right there guys. There aren't many people that can look that good in a Link costume.

( Edited 20.11.2011 21:18 by Lynk )

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Very impressive and she has loads of other awesome videos as well.

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