Mario Kills Tanooki, PETA Campaign Against Wearing Fur

By 17.11.2011 21

Mario Kills Tanooki, PETA Campaign Against Wearing Fur on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Update: Nintendo has responded to PETA's claims that Mario is an animal killer and wears their fur as suits. A Nintendo representative spoke to Euorgamer and had the following to say:

"Mario often takes the appearance of certain animals and objects in his games.

"These have included a frog, a penguin, a balloon and even a metallic version of himself. These lighthearted and whimsical transformations give Mario different abilities and make his games fun to play.

"The different forms that Mario takes make no statement beyond the games themselves."

Original Story: Animal rights group, PETA, have started a new campaign up and this time it's aimed at Nintendo's famous plumber, Mario. His latest game, Super Mario 3D Land features the return of the Tanooki Suit - clothing that gives Mario the ability to fly. Unfortunately, it seems old Mario has skinned a poor raccoon to get the suit... or at least PETA's new campaign suggests so (sort of).

The group believe that Mario's in-game suit influences the wearing of fur in real life and by having Mario wear it, it's sending out a message that it's okay to do so. They even made a game to highlight the "issue", where you play as a skinless raccoon. Your job is to get your skin back from a flying Mario, whilst avoiding gaps.

You can check out the webiste here.

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Not once have I ever thought of wearing fur when seeing Mario in animal costumes. Something tells me they're just trolling for attention... as usual. Smilie

Isn't it to do with Japanese mythology? And since when have people ever 'worn furs' by shoving a whole tail up their arse?

In Skyrim I can murder, take the pelt of and create armour from the skin of any animal I choose. Why attack Mario?

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No other way to express my reaction to stupidity at such a legendary level...

Oh ffs. What complete idiocy. I think these guys are morons, and I'm vegan. Like Ifrit said, I'd never considered Mario suits = wearing furs.
Though what about the bee and frog suits? Clearly people killing and wearing bees and frogs is a huge issue. ;p

( Edited 14.11.2011 23:52 by Ikana )

Vegetatively Fiordland (guest) 15.11.2011#5

So does Mario grab a dead racoon and visciously tear off its fur? uh-uh no. What a waste of time. MARIO KART... hurting the turtles!!?!!!!

Oomph (guest) 15.11.2011#6

Retarded campaign. They probably saw the TV ad *rolleyes*

Is this real? PETA must REEEALLY be boared if they're attempting to pass this off as a real threat to animals.

What about all the animal abuse you can do in the various GTA games? What about Pikmin!? What about freaking Duck Hunt???! I swear attention whores are the worst, these guys have lost alot of my respect & have become a NEW Jack Thompson.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

I really hope they're not serious. If they are, then PETA is just downright pathetic. It's almost sad.

"You make me want to play Russian Roulette with a glock. By myself."

Okay, we have games like Red Dead Redemption, Cabela's Big Hunting or whatever it's called and other games where you can hunt or kill animals, but they're picking on a game as innocent as Mario?

Honestly, PETA need to stop being so assy about things and just become a games developer or something. I mean, they already made a parody of Super Meat Boy, which you can check out right here.

Yeah, I accept that they care about the treatment of animals, because if I see anyone I know mistreat their pet or something, I'll say something. Other than that, humans have been eating animals since we first came into exsistence. Not to mention that animals also eat other animals? So why does PETA even bother...?

Oh, one last thing. The image that they used for that flash game was like 10x more disturbing than ANYTHING I've seen in any Mario game. Mario DOES NOT, I repeat, DOES NOT pull the fur off animals and then wear it. He obtains it from a leaf... everyone knows that. *facepalm*

( Edited 15.11.2011 05:53 by Mush123 )

Alright, now I somehow managed to accept the fact that they are serious with this and there's one thing I'd like to know. Couldn't Nintendo just sue those assholes for slander? They're trying to cause Nintendo negative publicity, without ANY sound reason to back it up. For all of us, it's beyond ridiculous what they're trying to do here but surely some people out there are going to believe this pathetic excuse for a claim, as sad as that is.

Totally rediculous.

If they want their cause to mean something, they should stop doing stupid things like this. Nobody can take them seriously.

It makes no real sense, the link between the mario tanooki suit and animal cruelty since you get it from a leaf, but then the only reason they chose mario is because its popular and well known. Its sence and logic is out the window for the sake of being talked about, even though it cant be taken serious when the point has gone. Im pretty sure most gamers already dont skin raccoons but the message is piss poor too. Nintendo really should take these self rigious ANIMAL KILLING hypocritical fuck nuts to court, but then they want that too, "Publicity!!! someone paid attention to us yaaaaaay!" *hit spoon on pots and pans helmat* and then spin the situation to make themselfs look victumised, like what their doing actually helps anyone. If there are real animal lovers with money here, donate to an animal shelter or rescue group. Not fucking Peta.

( Edited 15.11.2011 12:02 by welshwuff )

This is the same company, if I'm not mistaken, that is setting up a porn site to fund its antics...

Yes, I jump on turtles all the time too Smilie

Who's to say Mario is even wearing a real one anyway.?
Reminds me of when green peace labeled the Wii as the worst console because Nintendo didnt have a policy to take back old consoles for disposal. (who has EVER sent back ANY console because they have finnished with it? O_o).

( Edited 15.11.2011 16:08 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Ah, PETA, how low can you go and how stupid can you get? THIS STUPID! worth a watch

I lol'd pretty fucking hard when I saw this! Epic comedy from PETA. They almost always make me laugh. If there's one thing I hate, it's hippies. I hate hippies more than almost anything else. PETA and envirofags fall under the umbrella of "hippies", for me.

What PETA don't really understand is that they are pointless. They'll tell you that fur is bad. What if an animal was killed 'humanely' for it's fur, in the same way that slaughterhouses do for food? Then PETA would have to come out with the big one - they want everyone to be vegetarians.

Fuck PETA.

*sticks a kitten in a sack and kicks it to death*

Not quite - fur is a complete luxary and utterly unnesscery for anyone to wear.

Meat, meanwhile (while most consume too much normaly) is still part of a healthy diet.
Pure vegetarians have it quite hard, you either need to take supliments or eat very carefully in order to get everything you need. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Um, why bring this up now? Mario donned the Tanooki suit in Mario 3 a long time ago... Smilie

Smh. .-.


PETA just said that it was all "tongue in check" and that they love Nintendo and Mario and just wanted to drum some interest in protecting Tanookis... yeaaaaaaaaah, right.

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