JP Release Date and New Characters for Theatrhythm FF

By Az Elias 13.11.2011 9

JP Release Date and New Characters for Theatrhythm FF on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Update 2: It has been revealed that Theatrhythm Final Fantasy will be releasing in Japan on February 16th 2012! The game will retail for 6,090 yen. As soon as an overseas release date is announced, we will let you know!

Update 1: A scan from Jump magazine has surfaced, showing the chibi art style of the new characters.

Image for JP Release Date and New Characters for Theatrhythm FF

Original Story: Sub characters will be joining the main heroes of the Final Fantasy games in Square Enix's Nintendo 3DS rhythm game, Theatrhythm Final Fantasy. On top of the playable cast of famous faces Lightning, Cloud and Tidus, Jump magazine reveals the following:

Prishe (FFXI)
Vivi (FFIX)
Aerith (FFVII)
Faris (FFV)
Princess Sarah (FFI)

These sub characters can be unlocked in the game by collecting Crystal Fragments, and can then be added to your battle party like regular fighters afterwards. It is possible that more characters will be revealed soon. In addition, summons including Bahamut and Odin and can be called to help in your musical battles.

Some new music has been added to the tracks we previously knew were going to be in the game. The full list as we know it includes:

Final Fantasy Main Theme
Battle Scene (FFI)
Rebel Army Theme (FFII)
Eternal Wind (FFIII)
Theme of Love (FFIV)
Clash on the Big Bridge (FFV)
Terra (FFVI)
Decisive Battle (FFVI)
Main Theme of Final Fantasy VII (FFVII)
One-Winged Angel (FFVII)
Waltz for the Moon (FFVIII)
Man with the Machine Gun (FFVIII)
Beyond the Door (FFIX)
Zanarkand (FFX)
Suteki da Ne (FFX)
Ronfaure (FFXI)
Awakening (FFXI)
Clash of Swords (FFXII)
Sunleth Waterscape (FFXIII)
Blinded by Light (FFXIII)
Defiers of Fate (FFXIII)

Are you happy with the new additions to Theatrhythm Final Fantasy? Which characters and music would you like to see in the game?

Box art for Theatrhythm Final Fantasy



Square Enix





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BOOOOOOOO where's my FF6 character love Square!?!?!?!?!?

Seriously who do I have to KILL to have Sabin, Shadow, Locke, Cain & Edgar make an appearance??!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Don't worry, I'm sure each game will get a sub character. FFX's Auron, XII's Balthier and VIII's Quistis would be great!

( Edited 13.11.2011 19:45 by Azuardo )

Jamie (guest) 13.11.2011#3

Anyone know if FFX-2 eternity: memory of lightwaves, made the cut as far as music in the game goes?

Jamie (guest) said:
Anyone know if FFX-2 eternity: memory of lightwaves, made the cut as far as music in the game goes?

Nothing confirmed so far. Only what's in the news post above mate. Here's hoping FFX-2 music will make the cut though!

Azuardo said:
Don't worry, I'm sure each game will get a sub character. FFX's Auron, XII's Balthier and VIII's Quistis would be great!

I agree except for Quistis (though I do think she's hotter compaired to Rinoa) but I think Rinoa would be more likely...or Selphie given her inclusion in the KH series.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Rinoa, and Selphie, are more likely, but Quistis was a pretty unique character in design. I guess the three FF8 girls are tbh, so it's up for grabs.

It didn't click right away to me, but the sub characters revealed so far are from the odd-numbered games. The even numbered games are yet to be revealed - FF2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12.

Would be great if we got more than 1 sub character per game though. Nomura wanted Sazh in Dissidia, yet they've revealed Snow here. It's possible he'll still be in it, and with any luck, some other characters from other FFs too.

Japanese release date also announced: Feb 16th 2012.

( Edited 17.12.2011 23:14 by Azuardo )

FF4's will probably be Rosa or Rydia, FF6 Locke or Celes, and FFXII could pretty much be anyone (Ashe, Balthier, Fran etc.).

Anonymous (guest) 15.11.2011#8

why in dissidia it is hard to make charcters we want but in this game there are characters that we like the most

Anonymous (guest) said:
why in dissidia it is hard to make charcters we want but in this game there are characters that we like the most

In the PSP Dissidia games, there is a ton of script and a lot of voice work. In Theatrhythm, there is no voice work, and probably a small script if anything, so that leaves a lot of room to add plenty of characters that require minimal effort. Compare the 2D chibi sprites in this game to that of the models in Dissidia and I think you can guess which is easier to make characters for :]

But, with any luck, we'll have an even larger selection of characters in the next Dissidia game, which is said to be a change from the PSP formula.

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