Ubisoft + Awesome = Drawsome

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.11.2011 3

Ubisoft + Awesome = Drawsome on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Ubisoft want a slice of the drawing tablet action, today confirming the rumoured peripheral, now dubbed Drawsome.

Back at the end of August the global publisher had been rumoured to be releasing a tablet peripheral dubbed "inTouch", but nothing really emerged - until now. Now called "Drawsome", the tablet has a facelift, uses a wide 8.5 inch screen and has a slot for your Wii Remote, much like THQ's own uDraw contraption.

In the same way there'll be a slew of family and drawing orientated software - including two bundled titles Drawsome Artist and Drawsome Sketch Quest. It'll also boast a wireless stylus pen akin to regular computer tablets.

Image for Ubisoft + Awesome = Drawsome

Drawsome is due out December 6th 2011, and sounds exclusive to the US market and Wii for the time being.

Box art for Drawsome! Artist








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European release date None   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date None   

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No thanks. My sister already has the uDraw tablet so that's that. Plus, the Wii U controller will allow us to have lots of fun-fun with it!

erc (guest) 09.11.2011#2

Wow..they hardly showed anythign that this thing can do...there was just digitized confetti flying everywhere and blocking all the gameplay shots that were/could have been veiwable.

claire (guest) 20.11.2011#3

will drawsome work with udraw game

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