Rumour: The Last Story Gets Name Change and Release Date?

By Az Elias 07.11.2011 10

Rumour: The Last Story Gets Name Change and Release Date? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

According to recent rumours floating about the web, Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi's Wii RPG The Last Story will undergo a name change for its European release. You could instead be playing The Last World on the also-rumoured release date of 24th February 2012.

On top of this, Super Mario and Dragon Quest Wii party crossover Fortune Street will apparently arrive on our shores on 5th January under the name Boom Street.

Finally, Inazuma Eleven 2, already out in Japan in two versions, could see the light of day sometime at the end of January for DS.

What do you think of these supposed name changes? Would you pick up any of these titles next year?

Box art for The Last Story





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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Isn't "The Last Story" already a registered trademark in Europe though? The date seems likely, but not the name change.

I'll be getting it anyway, whatever it's called.

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That's the same source that leaked the news of Inazuma Eleven 2 for mainland Europe a couple of months back, so I definitely believe this.

Boom Street sounds familiar as well - sure I've seen mention of it from some retailer list.

I can see 2012 being a strong start for Nintendo, if the right games are brought over in quick succession. Maybe Easter for Pandora's Tower as well?

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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The name change doesn't make any sense to me, it destroys the thing Sakaguchi had going for it with The Last Story just being another way of saying Final Fantasy. Why change it to World instead?

I hope Feb 24th is true though. Almost nothing to do for me during that time, so it would be perfect. Smilie

The Lost World! Will it have dinosaurs?

Doesn't quite sound right - The Last Story sounds much better methinks. Boom Street?! BOOM Street?!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

They can call it "Rubber Ducky FTW" for all care as long as it gets a US release.

Robert (guest) 09.11.2011#7

Don't care much for the name change for Last Story, as long as it still comes out to EU.

It's still not coming to America so I really don't've both hurt me deeply Nintendo & Mist Walker. T_T

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I doubt it'll get a name change. Nintendo has put up a website where you can vote for the alternative boxart for the game (much similar to what they did with Xenoblade Chronicles), and the game is still called Last Story on there, so I doubt they'll change it now when they pretty much already started to officially advertise it under the name "The Last Story".

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

@Vorash Kadan it's not Mistwalker's fault.. they are just the developers. The publisher (aka Nintendo in this case) decides the fate of localization of the game. They obtain rights to the product. Believe me if Sakaguchi San of Mistwalker had his way this would be released on PC and Mac and localized worldwide...

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